Not a coincidence

41 1 0

Third Person Point Of View

She headed out for a morning walk like she did every Saturday.

It was a bit chilly, August had arrived, summer was over and the trees began to loose their leaves.

She was going to a nearby café, the staff knew her and knew that she would come every weekend.

She came inside and took a seat. A waitress waved hello, she nodded in return, letting her know that she would gladly take her usual order.

Few people came in and none came out.

Her vanilla latte half way done was in front of her.

She had a little notepad, there were scribbles, some doodles here and there and a list full of things she had to do.

She was at a booth beside a window.

This was a small café, so if a few people came in it would be full in no time. But it was quiet. With music from the previous year on the speakers, but quiet.

She looked out the window.

She saw someone familiar.

Where did she know them from?

She discretely watched, she saw that he was slowly walking to the café.

As he got closer, she saw that he might be the boy from the summer months.

She had seen him around another couple times after the first, but just from afar.

He approached and opened the glass door. He walked in and a waitress immediately greeted him.

You see this café is small and doesn't have any new customers, so when they get the chance they'll take it.

The girl behind the bar, spoke to him, he had ordered something, she told him that there was only a few seats left, she pointed where Chrysalis sat, in front of her, and a spot at the bar.

He turned to look away.
It's rude to stare.

Chrysalis again very discreetly watched.

Then they made eye contact, by the look she gave she agreed that he could sit there if he wished.

So he walked down, a cup and tiny plate in his hands.

He sat down.

Chrysalis awkwardly coughed.

"Hello I'm-" before she could finish her sentence, he had taken a paper out of a pocket and slid it to her across the table.

She looked up to him then down to the paper.

She lifted it and opened it. Her jaw slowly dropping.

"You're Chrysalis, I know" he finally spoke, his voice wasn't deep like a male his age but it wasn't high pitched either pretty mild, very quiet.

She read the paper carefully.

"Hold on....wait....uh....huh?"

"It was confusing for me to understand too"

" small words...what does this really mean?" She shook the paper up and down.

"That both of us have been approved to that university and the staff has apperantly already set up many things, a like us been roommates when we arrive there" he gave his camomile tea a stir.

"There will be dorms?"

"Did you read the letter fully?"

She opened her mouth and then closed it again" have not.. eheh" she tried to sound cheerful.

He gave a small cough "Then you probably don't know who I am either"

"Nope, does-"

"Yes it basically covers everything in the letter"

She read on.

But she also peeked over every now and then. He had light brown skin,  his very dark brown short hair hung barely reaching his shoulders and green tired eyes wore glasses.

A few minutes passed by.

"So, you're Sonbra?"

"It's Sombra"

She coughed"Sombra, cool, I won't forget it"

"Of course" he rolled his eyes.

"Well then if we're going to be stuck together, then I suppose we should start to get along?"

"I'd suppose"

"I'm Chrysalis, it's nice to meet you"she stretched out her arm and held her hand open, awaiting for a handshake.

"Same pleasure, I'm Sombra" His voice all of a sudden sunk into a whisper.

"Whoa, it's everything alright? There's no need of whispering"

"I...I... I'm..I'm f-fine" he clearly wasn't, he seemed to be shivering, even though the windows where closed and the heating was turned on.

"Hey, it's okay..are you shaking?" Her eyes widened in worry.

"N-no, please...I'm.. I'm" he coughed"I'm just fine"

She got up from her seat.

"Please, it's alright, I'm okay, there's nothing to-"
His eyes widened in horror, tears began to build.

"I know we've just met, but-" she had pulled him into a hug, but she felt hin sadly trying to push her away.

Tears rapidly rolled down his cheeks.

"Please stop" he pleaded, he tried harder to push her away.


The moment she let go, he got on his feet, instantly payed and quickly walked outside.

Yes walked not ran, he might be in a hurry but he's got manners.

A waiter noticed and chrysalis quickly responded.
"He just needs some air"

"Understandable, the heat and the amount of people can be overwhelming"

A few minutes passed and obnoxiously tapping on the table wasn't helping.

But she was patient, so she grabbed the letter and read it at her own pace.

The clock hit eleven.

He's been out for fifteen minutes now.
What could he possibly be doing?
Would he come back?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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