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{No-ones POV}

The sun soon shined through the window of the two males shared room, the birds tweeting away and making so much noise that the blonde had opened his eyes at this point. He looked at the window slightly to see the window open, no wounder he could hear them, fucken shitty hair left the window open last night. It wasn't till then when bakugo moved a little to sit up that he felt strong arms around his waist that prevented him from leaving the red head's side. Katsuki looked at the red head holding him, he was sleeping peacefully, most relaxed, the sun hitting his face perfectly. Katsuki blushed. He quickly looked away covering his face a little and remembering ever bit of last night. He growled lowly, annoyed at himself for giving in. It wasnt like him to give in so easily which is what annoyed him the most. He tried sitting up again but he hissed in pain while being dragged down again. His body hurt like fuck. His legs were numb, his arms were weak, he waist was trapped, even his ass hurt from all the pounding the red head had down. His neck also hurt, maybe from how hard he bit him?

The red shifted a little, he moved closet to the blonde almost pushing him off the edge but stopped due to his arms around him. He pressed his lips against the blondes neck and his dick pressed againg his ass earning a squeak from the blonde. He quickly covered his mouth embarrassed by the sound he had made. Once more, the red shifted, he was grinding his dick against the blonde's ass as small moans escaped the red heads lips, his breath against the blondes neck causeing him to jerk in sudden shock and pleasure. Y did it feel nice?. Katsuki growled lowly at how easily persuaded he was cause now he was stuck in this shitty hair's horny ass grip. He gripped the males arms that were much larger and tanned that his and tried moving them but had no luck at all. That wasn't until the bed dipped down slightly and the red head leaned against the blondes ear "morning baby~" he said almost seductively before kisses his cheek and then down his neck slowly to almost torment the blonde, but he only growled in response.

"Get.off.me!" Katsuki glared "and dont call me baby! I'm not urs!" He snarled, like hell he could ever be someone's one bitch forever. Kirishima frowned at the comment.

"But dont these Mark's mean I claim u~?" He remarked while gliding a finger over every hickey and bite he had made last night until his hand was smacked away by katsuki's own.

"No, it doenst mean I'm URS, just bc someone leaves Mark's on me doenst mean I'm their fuck toy until death!" Katsuki snapped. He built the strength up into his right leg and pushed kirishima of him before rolling out of the bed and onto the floor with a thud.

Kirishima whined slightly and watch katsuki try and escape him. That's when he lost it. He got up and went under his bed pulling out a box. He placed the box onto the bed and opened it up reaviling all sorts of things. Sexy Leather costume, a whip, lube, rope and the one he needed now was the collar that he pulled out. He gripped katsuki leg and pulled him close to him until he was close enough for the red head to staddle him and put the collar on leaving the blonde surprised while he smirked "u.are.mine." glared at the ash blonde under him with a dom look sending katsuki into a complete sub.

A whimper escaped the blondes lip as he tried taking the collar off "T-this is unfair! U cant own a person! Take it off, it hurts!" He yelled begging and whining almost tearing up. Kirishima smirked and gripped his face and forcefully kissed him. Katsuki's eyes widened in fear while welling up with tears. Kirishima deepened the kiss attempting to go further but was forcibly stopped by katsuki. He sore him push himself away in pure fear, fear he had never seen anyone give towards him, this fear was also hate and disgust to HIM, a guy who is so kind hearted he is innocent but not anymore, he let that possessive, evil side escape him. It's only when hes around katsuki that it happens and he hates it, hates that he hurts him. The look in his eyes made him feel guilty af as he tried apologising but he refused to expect it "dont u dare come near me!" He screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks. Kirishimas eyes widened. "Y-you! U think just because I'm some fucken stripper u can take advantage of me!? No! I'm a stripper for reasons! But when I'm forced to be someone's bitch it hurts! U dont know anything about me and yet u claim me! Ur just another fucken asshole u wants me bc of my body! And just so u have a fucken fuck toy ready for when ur horny ass comes home! Right!? Ppl like u make me sick! Go to hell u sick son of a bitch!" Katsuki yelled practically screaming.

Kirishima was shocked from the sudden outburst, he looked down looking at his hand "ur right...I dont know what came over me....its like...everytime I see u I just want to protect u...make u mine and no-one else" he looked at the frightened blonde "I'm never like this around ppl, but...when someone else is close to u, I get jealous and cant control myself....ur right...I cant own u or make u my 'bitch' it's wrong of me" he kneeled and bowed, apologising "I'm sorry, u might never forgive me for this disgusting act, but I'll apologise until the end of time...until the day u forgive me bc...I know what I did was a sin to u, I dont know what uve been through in ur past and I know u do what u do for reasons and I shouldnt of took advantage of it...I'm...Truly sorry for any pain I have caused to u, I'm so so so sorry" the red head apologised over and over as the blonde looked at how sorry he was. He could see he ment it and felt sad for him. He gropped his chest looking at him before looking away

"Whatever, just...dont pull that shit again or...its the cops next time...understand me?" He slightly barked, the red head only nodded slightly before katsuki stud to his feet, put his clothes on and walked out the room leaving the red head in guilt.

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