Chapter 2

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    As soon as Landon untied me I got up and took the tape off my mouth and went straight to my backpack. “Before the outbreak happened my dad was a scientist and he liked to see what he could create and if it could help someone. So, he made pill size tracking devices and he made five one for me, him, Lizzy. Well when the outbreak happened he went and made two more. I lost track of one of them but I still had one in my bookbag and I gave it to Landon that way if we got separated then we would be able to find each other.

 But, I completely forgot about it until Lizzy reminded me before she left. Our dad was always crafty about things for example our refrigerator was voice recognition so if you wanted something to eat you had to say a certain phrase like “ Food would be nice right now. '' just to get in. So when Lizzy said “ I think there’s a rock in my shoe.” It triggered the tracking device.”My dad wanted something common that way you could trigger it when you are in trouble and the people that have would never know.” Me and Landon decided that we would stay here for tonight and get a start on finding her  in the morning before day break. 


    We finally pull up to where Mason lives. It looks like an abandoned mansion. Something that you should know about Mason is that he was one of my brothers football buddies. He was like a brother to me at one point in time. Mason had an abusive parent and everyone knew it. But, no one could do anything because his dad was an ex-marine and now the town sheriff.So, when his dad came home from his police shift then he would come over here. But, sometimes Mason couldn’t get out of the house in time and his dad would get and abuse him. So, he would come stay with us till his mom called to ask him to come home. Mason’s mother was beautiful, strong and extremely talented. She made the best cakes, it’s like they melt in your mouth. She also had a beautiful voice she would sing while she cooked.

    When the car parked and the driver and the passenger got out they opened the doors to the back and the two men got out and then I did. I looked up in amazement the mansion was beautiful the closer you got to it. The house had vine’s with pink flowers and there was a little girl about three or four years old. While I was looking at the little girl one of the men put a bag over my head and slung me over his shoulder and carried me to one of the rooms the Mason was in.

 “Look, I don’t care, tell them to find that camp and bring them to me NOW!!...... Is that Lizzy?”

“Yes this is  the girl that you want sir.”

“Thank you Jason. Put her in the chair and you can leave.”

    He dropped me in the chair and left the room.I had been sitting there for about a hour and I couldn't take it anymore. I could hear the rustle of papers and I could hear that he was shaking his leg like he was nervous. I was beginning to get annoyed. I hated it when I couldn’t see anything and on top of that I wanted to know what he wanted from me. 

“ Take this supid bag off of my head and stop procrastinating and come tell me why you had me captured.” He Started to walk around his desk. I could hear his footsteps coming closer to me. I could smell his cologne that he was wearing. When he took off the mask they had over my eyes I saw him. Mason Anderson is the same guy that used to come over to my house everyday. The same brown eyes and black hair. But, there was something in his eyes that said something else. He also looked exhausted and looked like he was twice his age. 

    “I don’t need to explain myself especially to you. You are just a clueless and little girl.” 

“Boo hoo did something not go your way. ”

    I could see that I was getting under his skin and I just smiled. I looked up at him and his face was red and he looked like he could kill the next person that walked in the room. I just looked at him and laughed and said

“ What does everyone always do? What you say with no question?” With his teeth gritten he said” Yes”. “

“You have to be kidding. You are an arrogant psychopathic---”

    Before I could even finish my sentence he shoved a gag in my mouth and said

“ Shut up. I am so tired of your empty threats and name calling.”


“What was that?” He said as he removed the gag.

“ I am going to kill you if it is the last thing that I do. You killed my family.”

He shoved the gag back in my mouth and walked back behind his  desk and hit the button on his phone and called Jason the same guy that brought me in the room. 

“Come get Lizzy and put her in one of the cells in the basement.”

“Okay boss coming.”

    When his hinchman came and got me,he led me to the basement. There were at least 100 cages back to back and there were at least 10 or 15 people in cages. The hinchman led me next to this woman in her mid 20s. She has black hair and she had beautiful olive colored skin and a guy that was about my age. He had brown hair and blue eyes. When we finally got to an empty cage the hinchman opened the door and threw me inside and locked it with a key and walked off. 

    I started to look around trying to find something that would help me get out and I could find anything. I started to slam my arm against the door to see if I could get the door open but it wouldn't budge. As I went to hit the door the last time the guy next to me spoke up. 

“ It won’t budge and I would suggest that you just sit here and be quiet. The loud ones usually go first or they come in here and they will inject you with something that knocks you out for 4 hours.”

“There has to be a way out of here.”

“There isn't anything I have tried for weeks and the only way you get out of her is dead.”

I looked over at him at this guy that had lost all hope. I sat down and put my back against the side of the cage and watched him as he began to talk again.

“Name’s Derek. What’s your name?”

“Lizzy. How long have you been here?”

“ Two months and seven days.”

“What are they going to do with us?”

“ I think that Mason is trying to make a drug that makes you more powerful”

“What do you mean?”

“You know how the drug that everyone is on gives them speed, But, does not give them intelligence. Well, that is what mason is trying to fix. So, he is trying to round up as many normal people as he can and change them and perfect the drug. But, the catch is I think he has a cure for the drug because when he messes up. He sends the person back down here for the night and by the time that his henchmen return to try again they are back to normal.”

“So, you are telling me that there is a cure in the house.”

“Yes, but goodluck trying to find it. There are at least 30 men in the house guarding every door.”

“Well, Derek I have good news. I have friends and family that know exactly where I am. They will find me. But, I need to know more about this so called cure”

“All I know is sometimes they find us normals and they inject us with a upted dose or a trial run of a new drug. The drug stays in our system for about 24 hours and then there are the effects. Then they take a red substance and they inject us with it and within 15 minutes we are back to normal.”

“Do you know where the room is?”

“Yeah, but I am not going to just walk around this compound with this many of his guards around it’s suicidal.”

“Well, then i guess I will have to try and get them to inject me with the drug so I can see where they keep the cure.”

“ I think you just have a death wish and I don’t want any part in this.”As Derek moved to the other side of the room that they had us in.I started to make loud noises to get the guards attention and hopefully annoy him and make him mad.

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