Chapter 3

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Pov- Liam 

I couldn’t sleep last night because all I could think about was what they were doing to LIzzy. I could tell Landon couldn’t sleep either. He is good at most things but he is not good at hiding his feelings for my sister. As much as I don’t want them to be together he is good for her and she is good for him. When we got to the corner a few days ago they fought together in harmony. It was amazing to watch. We started moving as soon as it was light enough for us to see the INTELS if there was any. As we left our campsite and started to look and search for her all I could think about was memories of her.

 FLASHBACK: “Honey come down stairs we got you a surprise.” Smiling Lizzy came down stairs. “What is it mom? Hey dad, your home early.” “Me and you dad got you a present.” She had the biggest smile on her face and started to jump up and down. “ What is it! What is it! What is it!” Mom and dad moved and there was a puppy on the couch and she was so happy and to it and gently picked up the puppy like she was going to break it and layed in her lap and began to gentle petting the the little puppy and looked up and smiled”

 “Hey dude, Look up ahead.”

I looked up and we saw one of the guys that tied me up and took Lizzy. I began to walk over there and then I felt Landon grab my arm and jerk me behind a building. “What the hell!!!” Before I realized it my rage got the best of me  I right hooked him and I started to see blood coming out of his mouth. “ He has my sister Landon.”Landon spits blood from his mouth on the ground and looks at me and says “Don’t you think that I know that we will get her back whatever it takes.Oh and by the way don’t punch me again.” I looked at him and then at Mason’s men.” I am sorry, let's go and follow them, maybe they can lead us to Lizzy and Mason.

    As we made our way closer to the mansion that Mason had Lizzy trapped in we heard a couple of the men that work for Mason talking.” Dude I think Mason is losing his mind. He yesterday I heard him yelling in his office so I knocked on the door to make sure that everyone was okay and there was no one else in the room with him.He was talking to the wall I guess.” The man said to the other. “He could have been on the phone.” Then they both began to laugh.”Yeah, and I have flying pig.”

    The reason Mason’s drug went world wide instead of a few people here and there was because when it was being shipped everywhere from boat’s to planes and  even trains. It was told that someone dropped the pure form of the drug in the drinking water when it was being shipped. It contaminated the water and it became undrinkable. But, before anyone knew about the contamination it was packaged in water bottles and shipped to various places in the world. The major places that the drug hit was New York city, Seattle and Washington  and of course my beloved city of  Chicago.

 The drug hit some powerful people when it got released. For example, the reason we have no power, water, etc. the mayor of the town got under control of Mason and only his house has running water and power. But, the reason why we have no cell phones is because the first thing that Mason ordered when the world started crawling with INTELS was that the cell tower was to be destroyed. Mason is so afraid of being over ruled that he destroyed any way of communication. He even has his men combing through walky talkys to make sure no one ever uses them.Ever since then we have been fighting to survive.


“Hellooo” Banging on the metal bar’s “Heeellllooo….Get me out of this cage now…...HELLLOOO.” 

Two men showed up in the room within seconds. The one on the left was the one that took me, the other one I had never seen before. He had light brown cropped cut hair and was very tan and was wearing a black t-shirt.While the other man wore a dirty old t-shirt and looked to be about 30. The older man looked at me and said ”Shut up will you and you can’t come out.” Of course I wasn’t going to keep my mouth shut. What was the point in that I brought him in here to make him mad to get me out.So of course I had to say “ What you can’t do anything without telling Mason. Oh wait you can’t.” and then i started to laugh to make sure I got under his skin. He was getting mad, his face was turning red and his fist was clenched. But, I didn’t stop. I wanted to push him over the edge so I turned around and said “Do you also have to tell when you use the bathroom. Mason! Mason! I have to potty may I go.”

“Why you little!” He came charging after me and was about to rip the door off with the younger guy in black pulled him back and said” Jake it’s not even worth it.Why don’t you ask Mason if you can have the pleasure of injecting her.” The man shook his head yeah and started walking toward the door then left the room.Then, it was only me and the younger guy and derek which was cowering in the corner of the room. The younger guy walked up to the cage that I was in and stretched his hand inside the cage to shake my hand.

 When he grabbed my hand he jerked me to the side of the cage and closer to him. I could smell the cologne that he had on. Then he began to speak “There is a camera in the left corner of the room so do not look or open this in that area.I need you to look scared for a few minutes or they will make me. The camera’s will be down for maintenance for 5 minutes. It happens every week  at 10 pm that is in 2 hours. That is your only chance to make it out of here. When you leave, stay left okay.

Now, I am going to have to ruff you up okay are you ready.” I looked at him and slightly nodded yes and that is when I felt a searing pain in my side. That is when he said “ When someone tells you something you do it. Next time you don’t then the consequences will be a lot worse than this.” As he began to walk out of the room he glanced back at me and slyly winked at me and walked out the door and slammed it shut. 
     As I sat there it felt like minutes dragged by and I sat there forever. I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up I noticed that there was a young woman across from me she had brown hair and big hazel eyes that looked more green. She had dirt and mud all over her and her clothes were ripped and barely fit her. When I went to speak to her I realized that I fell asleep and I had no idea what time it was as I begin to fumble threw my clothes I begin to freak out I couldn't find it. That is when the young girl spoke up " It's behind you." I smile and said "Thank you."When I turned around I found the watch and looked at the time 9:55. I sighed in relief. I looked at her and asked " What is your name?"  "Isabella"
" Hi, my name is Elizabeth but people call me Lizzy."
" Hey, Lizzy."
      As I try to open the door to the cell that I was in it dawned on me I could save her and Derek. I was struggling to open the door. I kept missing the key hole then I when I finally got it open I saw the time I wasted 2 minutes trying to get out of the cell. I ran over to Isabella and opened the door and as I walked over to Derek he just shook his head no and said " I am going to stay here. I am tired and I don't want to be shot at." I just turned and shook my head and grabbed Isabella's hand and we ran out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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