My Wish

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Chapter Four

Aron and I have been dating for three weeks now maybe just two if I don't count the week we spent hanging out as friends. He's been the sweetest guy ever I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be my first boyfriend. He always seems to notice the small things making me feel as though I'm up in the clouds when he's around.

Mark on the other hand has been having some issues since his birthday. Usually he tends to act out for a week every time his mother doesn't contact him, but it's been three now and I don't know how to help him. I've tried to talk to him multiple times; however, he pushes me away more and more every time.

I feel guilty knowing I'm happy while he's struggling. Today I decided to try and spend time with him. I told Aron he needed a friend and he understood. I came to his house early in the morning and cooked breakfast. I found some bottles of tequila that his mom brings whenever she visits a latin country open in the pantry. These bottles are always new due to her not being around meaning the only person who could have opened them was Mark.

I go upstairs and into his room, he was knocked out face down in his bed. The smell of liquor was overwhelming. I told him no one could come between how close we were, but I had been so caught up in my relationship I wasn't here for him when I should have. "Mark." I call out trying to wake him.

He makes a sound more of a mumble under his breath. I sit down on his bed making him move so he could lay his head on my lap. "I've missed you." He slurs to me with his eyes still closed wrapping one of his arms under my legs and the other over so he hugged me tight.

"I know and I'm sorry." I bite my lip to keep from making any sound. I wasn't the person who needed someone right now and I knew if he heard me he would say this wasn't my fault. I played with his hair until eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up I was wrapped in his arms. I reached for my phone to check the time when I saw I had 4 missed calls from my mom.

I slowly move to free myself from his grasp and go into the hall. 'Hey Mom' I whisper into the phone and shut the door. 'You called?'

'Where are you Grace? I've called you four times and you weren't answering! I came home and you were gone!' I can hear her voice break through the phone, 'Are you ok?'

'I'm with Mark next door, we- I was just making him breakfast, he's been having a hard time. I'll come home right now.'

' I want to talk to you and I know how close you are with Mark, so if he needs you right now just at least come home for dinner ok?'

'Ok. Thank you.'

'I love you honey, I was just worried. I'm sorry for screaming.'

'I love you too mom, I'll be home for dinner.'

'Great, I'll make your favorite.'

I hang up and go back in the room to find him gone. "Mark?" Suddenly the bathroom door next to me opens and he comes out in nothing but boxers. "Mark!" I scream covering my eyes.

"Don't scream my head is pounding." Running his hand through his hair he smirks.

"Put some clothes on."

"What? It's not like you haven't seen me in underwear before." He stands in front of me and my eyes seem to wonder looking at his body. "I'm also in my house Gracie, I think I have the freedom to dress how I would like."

"First off that was when we were kids. It's been years since then." I say looking away from him and turning my head to the side as I cross my arms. "Second it's good etiquette to wear clothes when people are over."

"So what I'm hearing is I have to be more... open. Like when we were kids." He seems to be enjoying my torcher so I decide to go to his drawer and grab some of his pants.

"NO just..." Once I open his drawer I find condom wrappers under one of his pants. "Here put these on." I throw him a pair and make my way out of the room. "I have to go home, so make it quick and come eat."

He comes downstairs while throwing on a shirt. I put his plate on the table and finish making my eggs. "My favorite." He says with a smile. "Whats the occasion?"

I grab my plate and sit with him at the counter, "I saw the bottles."

He looks down at his plate not wanting to look at me as I sat there with him. "I wasn't snooping it was more of an accident, I was looking for the ingredients to make this and... look I'm sorry I wasn't really there after your birthday. I knew how hard it gets around this time and I should have been there."

He eats more of his breakfast without saying a word, "Thanks for the breakfast." He finally says after finishing. "I'll see you around."

"You want me to go?" Confused I walk over to him and saw him wipe his eyes. Obviously something was wrong, but this time he didn't want to tell me. "Can you just talk to me? It's me Grace... Gracie your best friend. The person you never push away no matter how hard it gets, remember? You told me that when I- I lost the only other person who I was this close to! Just talk to me because I-"

He turns around to face me, "You what? You want to feel better about spending more time with Aron, that's what happens when someone starts dating. Whatever I've been doing now a days is my choice and you aren't anyone who could have helped me. I don't need you! We are not dating, we are nothing Grace!" I couldn't react as he was standing in front of me, he's never said anything like this to me.

My eyes move to the floor and not knowing what to say I go back to where we were eating and grab my bag. "I'm sorry I didn't try harder." I walk out of the kitchen and out the door. When I get through the door of my house my eyes filled with tears. My mom ran to me as I walked in hugging me tightly, wiping the tears away. She closes the door behind me asking what happened, but I couldn't even form the words of how much his words hurt me.

At dinner I sat with my mom in silence. She kept trying to make conversation, but I was still next door replaying everything Mark told me. Was he mad about his mom or was this about Aron and I? I just wish I could go back in time and make things better. After dinner my mom and I decide to watch movies and eat ice cream to help me feel better.

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