Chapter 3

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Brokenstar awoke the next morning with a full belly from the previous night's feast. Patrols came back to camp loaded with squirrels, mice and voles. Shadowpaw even captured his very first raven; large and fat as it dangled from his jaws. Everyone ate well last night.
Brokenstar lifted herself to her paws and stretched luxuriously until her limbs trembled with effort. She sat back on her haunches, glancing down at Stoneforest who lay beside her, still sleeping peacefully. He's so perfect... She thought to herself delightfully, lifting a forepaw and licking it. Every time her mate exhaled, the fresh ferns and feathers swaved against his warm breath.
Brokenstar studied his white-striped flank as it rose and fell rhythmically.
"Brokenstar!" The sudden caterwaul made the black she-cat start in alarm and caused Stoneforest to jolt to full wakeness.
"What in the name of StarClan!" Stoneforest growled under his breath irritably, tail-tip flickering back and forth as he heaved himself to his paws and averting his gaze to Brokenstar as she sighed in exasperation and headed toward her den entrance. She slid out of her den with ease to see Bloodmoon sitting right outside the entrance, her tail neatly wrapped around her delicate paws.
"What is it?" Brokenstar questioned in annoyance, watching her former apprentice closely. The slender black she-cat hopped up to her paws almost immediately.
"There've been reports of rogues being scented along the eastward border! Heatstrike sent me back to tell you." She spoke urgently, eyes wide and ears erect in full alertness. Brokenstar's pelt prickled with unease, exchanging a glance with Stoneforest.
"Who were you patrolling with?" She pondered with authoritism. Bloodmoon didn't hesitate when she answered.
"It was me, Heatstrike, Scarletheart, Rockfall, Skypelt and Skunktail."
"I want you to go get Darkpaw, Moltenblast, Flamestripe and Cinderheart and take them back to the border. I want you to report back to me later with anymore details." Brokenstar ordered strictly, gesturing to her clanmates who were sitting within ear-shot and listening intently. Bloodmoon dipped her head briskly and gathered the requested cats, rushing back out of camp and into the surrounding trees.
"What are we gunna do if this keep occuring? Or if rogue try to attack us?" Stoneforest gazed at his mate with his murky dark green eyes, whiskers twitching. The clan leader sighed heavily, shaking her head.
"I wish I had an answer. I'll have to order stronger patrols along the eastward border and we'll have to be extra cautious. We'll fight if we have to." She replied honestly. She turned and trotted up to the gnarled roots of the tree stump and hauled herself up to the top.
"Cats of DeathClan! Those of you old enough to catch your own prey, join here beneath the tree stump for a clan meeting!" Brokenstar's voice rang out across the clearing, bouncing off the grand trees that loomed around the outskirts. Heads poked out between the roots of the dens that were dug out beneath the trees, curiousity sparkling in dozens of eyes as cats approached their leader.
The broad form of Thunderheart settled at the base of the stump, perching himself on one of the mighty roots. Robinflight and Foxpaw emerged from the Medicine Den and sat down slightly farther away. Sandfeather, Fernheart, Applestreak and Shadeflower looked up from the fresh-kill pile, but didn't move. Shadowpaw crawled out of the Apprentice's Den and bounded toward the gathering crowd, choosing a spot beside Stoneforest. Cedarfang limped from his den, gray flecked around his muzzle due to age. He flopped down with a grunt beside Applestreak and Fernheart.
Once everyone had gathered, Brokenstar continued to speak. "I have just recieved word from Bloodmoon that rogues have been scented by the eastward border. I know some of you have over-heard, but this is to you who don't know."
Murmurs of concern wavered throughout the crowd, but Brokenstar silenced it with a flick of her bushy tail.
"There's a patrol out there now scouting the perimeter. We will have to be extra cautious around that border. If anyone else finds anything, they are to report it to me immediately." She directed clearly, then dismissed her clan and descended the tree stump.

* * * * * * * * *

"We didn't see any rogues, but we replenished the scent-markers." Bloodmoon mewed politely to her leader after she returned with the border patrol. Brokenstar had been sharing a thrush with Stoneforest when they arrived.
"Good. But tell Thunderheart I'd like another patrol sent out later at dusk to double check the border from any intruders." She replied steadily after swallowing a mouthful of food. Bloodmoon nodded and headed off toward the clan deputy, tail spilling out behind her.
"Hopefully it was just someone passing by." Stoneforest muttered fretfully, taking another bite from the thrush. Brokenstar gazed at her mate with her red and blue eyes.
"I hope so too. We just had a fight yesterday. We don't need another right now." She agreed, licking her chops. "If we stick together, then we can accomplish anything." She added heartfully, a purr rising in her throat. Stoneforest smiled at her comment, his eyes warm. They were both interrupted at the sound of more approaching paw steps. It was Shadeflower.
"I have great news, Brokenstar!" She chirped cheerfully, her murky eyes bright. Shadeflower was hardly ever this radiant. Brokenstar tilted her head quizzically at the patched she-cat. "I'm expecting Rockfall's kits!" She bounced excitedly like a young kit.
"Darn, that was fast!" Stoneforest exclaimed, a stunned expression on his face.
"That's fantastic, Shadeflower! Congradulations!" The black she-cat purred to her warrior graciously, and Shadeflower loped away to spread the news some more.
"Rockfall's only been a warrior for 2 days! What if he and Shadeflower were together before his warrior ceremony?" Stoneforest was solemn when he spoke, but Brokenstar sighed and shook her head.
"If that's the case, he's a warrior now. StarClan will forgive him. The important thing is he didn't have kits while he was an apprentice." She assured her mate.
"But new kits is definitely what this clan needs!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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