Chapter 2

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Valka pulled Inga into the house, panting. Inga pulled away as her mother closed the door, Sky blue eyes flashing angrily, "Why! Why do you always keep me inside during a raid! If I'm not out there, people could get hurt!"

Valka looked at her daughter, "I don't want you to get hurt. And besides, they're Vikings, they can take care of themselves."

"I'm not talking about the Vikings; I'm talking about the dragons! If I'm not out there to warn them, they could be killed, or worse, captured and slowly tortured!"

"Inga, you know that we don't torture the dragons, we even feed them."

Inga stopped yelling and looked like she was about to burst into tears, "It's torture for them. Not being able to feel the wind in your scales and in a constant fear that one day, the Vikings are just going to decide you're worthless and kill you. I hear them call for help whenever they think everyone is asleep. 'Someone, please! Help us! Come and free us!' I want to go and help them. But dad always wakes up to get them to be quiet before I get the chance." She turned and ran up the stairs into her room and slammed the door.


Valka walked up the stairs and knocked softly. She heard snuffling before someone said, "Come in." Valka opened the door and saw Inga looking at her, eyes red from crying. Valka sat on the bed next to her, pushing pitch black hair out of Inga's face, "I know it must be hard for you, but you understand why you're treated so carefully, right?"

Inga wiped her eyes, "Yeah, I guess that's what happens when your older sibling was taken by dragons." She looked out the window as the smoke cleared enough for the moonlight to filter through, highlighting the acid green flecks in her eyes, "Sometimes, I wish I was normal. That I didn't have these powers. Maybe then, I wouldn't be tortured by the sound of dying dragons and could actually help the others with putting out fires and not be bothered at all by what we do to dragons."

Valka hugged her daughter, "just because you were born this way doesn't mean you would have been able to kill dragons if you were different. I couldn't kill a dragon, I still can't."

Inga looked up and sniffed the air, "Do you smell that?"

Her mom sniffed the air, "It smells like . . ."

". . . Gas!" They said at the same time.

Inga looked out her window again and saw a Hideous Zippleback head! She grabbed her mom and tumbled to the ground, wrapping her wings around her mom and causing scales to cover her entire body so they were both protected from the blast.

Valka's POV

Inga pulled me off the bed and wrapped her wings around me, suddenly she felt, heavier? I heard an explosion and then silence. When she unwrapped her wings and got off so I could sit up, instead of the loving face of my daughter, I saw the face of what had to be a Nightfury!

Third Person

Inga got off of her mom and did a toothless smile, "Are you alright?" She asked.

Valka just stared at her, "Inga, do you recognize me?"

Inga looked at her confused, "Of course I recognize you. Why wouldn't I . . ." She looked down at where her hands should be and saw claws instead! "I'm a dragon! How am I a dragon?! How do I change back?!" She started freaking out and accidentally shot a plasma blast, narrowly missing Valka.

"Inga, calm down and keep your mouth closed. We'll figure this out together." Valka said trying to calm her down.

Suddenly they heard a loud booming noise coming up the stairs, "Valka! Inga!" Stoick burst into Inga's room and locked eyes with the blue-eyed Nightfury, "A Nightfury."

"Stoick, don't attack." Valka grabbed his arm.

Stoick attacked Inga, thinking she was just another dragon. "Stoick, No! That's Inga!"

Inga dodged the flying axe and made eye-contact with her father one more time, a tear falling down her scaly look of shock.

"Inga?" Stoick breathed, noticing the acid green flecks in her eyes.

The star-dusted Nightfury turned lept out the window. Apon landing, she turned and ran away from the village towards Raven's Point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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