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The class 1A walked into the the dorms along with the soul eater cast following behind. Maka looked around and paused to take a closer look at stuff.

Bakugou glared at the group, especially kid and crona who he obviously didn't like. Plus bakugou felt like there was something wrong with crona. He seemed...off.
"Aizawa! How do we know we can trust these guy! I mean they come from a completely different dimension!" bakugou said loudly.

"I know that's why we're going to sit them down and get some infomation about there dimension." aizawa said.

"When if we find out they are killers or have stolen." bakugou asked.

"We'll see..."

aizawa said glanceing over at the small group. The group sat down as did some of class 1A. Aizawa sat down in the middle of the couch and opened the laptop beside him in case he needed to do any researching on the group.

"Okay give me a detailed description on your world." aizawa said looking at maka.

"Our dimension has a race called weapon, where there are people who can transform into weapons. Then there is something called Kieshens. It is basically the ultimate evil...they are very dangerous and many people in our world want to become one. But only one person has ever become one but he was seemed underneath our academy where he can't hurt anyone. He end up getting revived but was defeated again. Lord death our ruler created a academy where weapons and miesters train the kill and prevent Kieshens.oh and miesters are normal people who willed the weapon or weapons." maka said looking at aizawa who was writeing all of it down.

Then everyone looked over at deku who was muttering to himself.

" oh sorry.." deku said a little embaressed.

"okay and tell me your name and about you please." aizawa said looking back at maka.

"I'm maka albarn. My father is spirit albarn who is a death sythe. I'm a miester and my partner is soul." aizawa nodded.

(I'm gonna go ahead and skip to kid and crona since there backgrouands are pretty important)

"and you" aizawa said looking at kid.

"I'm death the kid son of death himself. My weapon partners are Liz and patty."

"son of death?" deku said looking up from his nootbook.

"Yes. That's what I said." kid said looking at the green headed boy.

Some of the guys and girl started asking kid questions until aizawa look at crona and asked

"what's your name and background." class 1A looked at crona.

"I-im Crona Makenshi Gorgon and my weapon partner is Ragnarok." crona said as Ragnarok popped out of his back in his bigger form.

Class 1A gasped.

"Hey that thing is kind of like dark shadow except bigger." Oujiro said looking over at Tokiyami.

"I'M NOT A THING!!! MY NAME IS RAGNAROK!!!" Ragnarok yelled.

"Please d-don't start yelling.." crona said quietly.

"WHY SHOULD I LITEN TO YOU PANSY!!!!" Ragnarok yelled grabbing crona's thin waist and punching him in the side of the head.

"Ow!" crona yelled in pain.

"Ragnarok get your hand off his waist and stop punching him!" kid said with an angry look.

"Hmph!" Ragnarok pouted.

Crona held his hand to the side of his head where he was hit. Todoroki walked off to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic bag and filled it with ice. He rapped a paper towel around the bag and walked back into the room where some were chatting and aizawa typeing on his laptop.

Todoroki walked over to crona who still had his hand on the side of his head. Todoroki removed crona's hand and replaced it with the ice pack.

"Here." todoroki said planly.

Crona held the ice pack in place.

"T-thank you." crona said with a slight smile.

Todoroki nodded walking back to his spot. Aizawa looked up from his computer.

"May I ask how your weapon partner is inside of you?" aizawa asked. Crona paused for a second remembering why he was stuck with Ragnarok.

"I-it's along story........"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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