Chapter 5

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I called out of work sick the next day. I felt bad leaving Charlotte high and dry but I just couldn't risk facing Archer after being walked out on twice. Not to mention the whole Emily problem and the twin's sudden need to defy everything I say.

I sigh as I lay on my half-made bed. After Archer left last night, I effectively got no sleep. I mean would you be able to sleep after that? Instead, I ate all of the ice creams I had bought and watched far more Netflix than thought humanly possible. I was so confused. With the recent breakup, I felt like a part of me was missing, but around Archer, it was as if none of that mattered. He was like a drug that numbed the pain. And that was perfect because I knew it would never be anything more. I couldn't stand him. He aggravated me more than I thought anyone possibly could.

I couldn't figure out what was happening to me. I used to be so innocent and level-headed. I wasn't the girl who went around making out with random guys. I wasn't the girl who even dated random guys. I was the girl who was going to marry her high school sweetheart because they were so perfect together. Now it seemed as though Archer brainwashed me. I don't care about any of that around him. I just want him in a way I've never experienced before. Maybe that's the bad boy phenomenon I've heard about, but I'll be damned if I let that get the best of me.

I wrestled with my thoughts for what seemed like forever before I forced myself out of bed and into the shower. The shower was exactly what I needed. The water seemed to wash away all of my struggles and inconveniences. For the time being.


The next day I continued my routine as usual. Getting my school work and packing things to keep kids occupied. Oh, plus I added a small pep talk in the mirror for myself.

I will not give in to Archer anymore. I will not let Archer bother me. Archer will not get the best of me!

I repeat this mantra in my head as I continue packing things and cleaning the apartment as I go. Since summer is approaching I have been cramming for finals as much as possible but along with summer comes unnecessary energy from the kids, so studying has been proving to be more difficult than anticipated.

As I approach the house, I scan the area for either Archer's car or his bike but am pleased and settled to find neither. Feeling safe, I hop out of my car and head towards the commotion waiting inside.

The boys are running around once again. Emily reads on the stairs, and Reese continues trying to keep up with the twins. Charlotte is making her rounds and saying goodbye and my nerves calm at the familiarity of it all. Then I remember my little run-in with Emily the other day and I make a mental note to inform Charlotte later tonight.

Once Charlotte is gone I pack lunches and load the kids into the car. The car ride is normal; boys bickering, Emily reading. After they are all dropped at school Reese and I go to do the shopping since I missed yesterday which was supposed to be our shopping day.

"Say Say can we get these?" Reese asks, holding a box of Oreo's and giving me his biggest puppy dog eyes.

"No Reesey, we already chose cupcakes as our special treat this week. Remember?" I inform, patting him on the head while he pouts.

"Okay. Are we going to see uncle Archer today?" Reese interrogates and I feel my face flush at the mention of his name.

"Um, I'm not sure bud. Did mom say something?" I asked gently, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Well, she said that he was staying for a while. And that he might be staying with us!" He cheered, bouncing with excitement.  My stomach dropped at the implication of seeing Archer every day as part of my job.

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