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"They don't have those little muffins anymore." Grace says with a frown cast on her lips.

"That's because they can't keep remaking the same 50 muffins you eat everyday." I smile at her childish manner.

"No, that's because they're lazy. But you know what, we're finding a different place to go." she hollers over her shoulder to Tony, as we step out in to the heat from the cafe. We've been coming to Urth Caffe almost every morning since freshman year. Grace always finds something to nag about each morning, says the same speech to the well aged barista, and we find ourselves there again the next morning.

That's the thing about Grace, she can't do change. If she could, we'd probably make headway for the Starbucks down the street. She'll point out other places, but I know we'll be back here tomorrow.

"Grace, you say that every morning. Are we ever going to act on that 'promise' you keep throwing at Tony?" I ask her, my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, tomorrow." Lies. "Seriously, we will. We'll go on strike for those muffins. I've known something was off these last few days." Lies. "And when they do start selling them, we're not going back. I mean it." Once again lies. I pretty sure she's secretly in love with Tony, but doesn't want to admit it. I don't blame her. For 32, he's not too bad on the eyes.

"Okay, whatever you say." Grace and I met my freshman year of college, when I walked through the door to our dorm. She was organizing a collage of pictures above her bed, when she dropped most of them. Grace was there after my accident, helping me get back on my feet. Never pushed me to get out of bed when my 'episodes' got to bad.

"Anyways, what time is Finn coming tonight?" She asks, finishing the bagel she got in place of the muffin.

Finn is my older brother. He's supposed to be flying in tonight for my birthday, he's never missed one. When Grace couldn't be here for me, Finn was. Years ago they formed a 'Sam watch group' without me knowing. When Jay died, I went into a depression I didn't know I'd survive. But Finn and Grace were there waiting, never pushing me to a point I couldn't come back from.

"He should be landed. Mom should be picking him up." I tell her, looking down at the time.

"Do you want me to drive you over after this class? I can skip the next one." She asks, finishing her coffee.

'No, I'll be fine." I roll my eyes. She was always looking for an excuse to get out of classes.

"Okay Sam. I guess I'll head to class now. Love you!" She says in an annoyed tone as she walks off to her building.

"Love you too!" Once she's out of my vision, I continue walking to my building. Once I get there, I stand by the door. Perks of being 20 minutes early. Good thing there's a tree next to the building, otherwise I'd get too much sun. A few minutes later, I get this weird feeling. That feeling that someone is watching you.

As soon as I look up, I see blue orbs. They're blue with brown scattered around, enough to take your breath away. "Excuse me, I'm looking for The Board Art Center. I'm a little lost." A deep English accent rolls off the blue orbs owner. I'm taken back, when he smiles. It's not one of those smiles you couldn't forget.

"The what?" I ask still in a sort of trance.

"The Board Art Center, I have a class in about 10 minutes." he pleads with his eyes.

"I didn't know we had one." I tell him, folding my arms over my chest. I turn up my eyebrows in confusion.

His face drops, panic seeping into his eyes. "You're kidding, a guy told me to wal-" he stops talking when he see's me smile.

I point my finger at the building we're currently standing next to, "11:30 class? With Denver?" I say a slight smile still playing at my lips. He nods.

"That wasn't nice, you had me for a second." he laughs turning to walk over to the door. His smile comes off his face when he realizes the door is locked.

"The door is always locked until 11:30, Denver is almost always late." I tell him, smiling at his annoyed expression.

"So, what now?" he asks taking a seat next to me until the large tree.

"What do you mean? Unless you have time travelling powers, then we're stuck until Denver shows up." I say, fanning myself with my hand.

"I hope it's soon, cause this heat is to die for." almost instantly our almost always late professor shows up, casually whistling a morbid tune, unlocking the A/C filled building. Even where I'm sitting, I can feel the air, and it feels amazing.

"Is that our professor? Almost what? 5 minutes early?" I say getting up from my spot on the ground. "You know, if you start doing that, I may actually start paying attention." I smile as I walk passed him.

"1. That isn't going to happen, and 2. You know you love my class." he's knows me too well. Denver is my favorite professor. Don't get me wrong the professors here are amazing, but Denver is next level.

"1. Didn't think so, and 2. that's very true." I tell him taking my normal seat at the middle table. I feel a presence settle in next to me. I turn and look at the same blue eyes, that have seemed to follow me in here.

"Hey, you must be Mr. Harris the transfer I keep hearing about. As you've heard, I'm Denver." He puts his hand out for 'Mr. Harris' to shake.

"Yes sir, but please call me Oliver." He retreats his hand after a firm handshake.

"And I see you've met the lovely Sam Jones, real treat she is." He smiles, turning to go write the lesson plans on the board. I glare at him.

"Yeah." Oliver chuckles. I feel his eyes on me, and turn to look at him. He's smiling at me, showing off his whites. I quickly looks away.

Class goes on like this. Me sneaking glances at him when I feel his eyes on me.

"Okay guys, I want chapters 18 thru 31 read over the weekend. I expect nothing less, especially from you Josh. Don't make me call your mother again." He tells us when class is over. Small laughter is heard from around the room.

I get up to leave when I hear my name being called. When I turn, Oliver's right there. I raise my eyebrow, to make it aware to hurry. "Yes?"

"Can I walk with you?" He asks in a child like way. It's kind hard to turn down the offer.

"I would say yes, but I'm leaving." I turn to walk away. Once outside, I start walking to my car. When I'm almost there, I feel footsteps next to me.

"Where are you going?" Taken back, I look at him with confused eyes.

"I have places to be, not that it's any of your business." I smile, getting irritated.

"I'll walk you to your car then." He states. I halt to a stop and just stare as he keeps walking. He seems to notice me not walking anymore, and turns to looks at me. "Well, come on then. You have 'places to be'." He smiles as he mocks me. The nerve of this dude.

"You don't have to walk the 5 minute walk to my car, I'm sure you have another class to be, but thank you for the kind offer." I sarcastically smile.

"Nope, I'm free the rest of the day actually, so the 5 minute walk isn't a problem." God, he's as stubborn as Grace. I'm sure they'd be great friends.

"Whatever." I huff. When we get to my car, I unlock the doors. I turn to him and prepare to tell him bye and a polite thank you. "Well, thank you, for the very unnecessary walk. But I have to go." I get in, without waiting for a response, and shut the door. As I pull away I look in the mirror and see him still standing there, before looking to the ground, and turning to walk in the opposite direction.

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