Chapter 6 - Captured

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[Nicole's claws unsheathe as she tightens her grip. Brandon shrieks out of pain by the sharp claws that dig into his arm and watches in terror how her eyes change. Her pupils constrict and become glowing yellow. She grits her teeth as she suddenly realizes what she's doing and Brandon manages to escape from her grip due her being disoriented for a while. A heavy headache spikes up but she refuses to let it go. She runs after Brandon, who rushes down the stairs and desperately tries to open the locked door. He realizes he's on the wrong floor, the parking lot. He wants to run upstairs again, but his path is blocked by Nicole. She slowly comes closer, breathing heavily and with a twitchy eye.]

Nicole: [In a deep voice] I warned you... You've gone too far.

Brandon: Who's the one that's going too far now?! Are you insane? Am I gonna end up like my brother, y-you-

Nicole: [Becomes a little clear in her mind] Stop! Please... stop. I don't want to hurt you, okay? I don't know what's wrong with me either. Please, just give me a chance to make up.

Brandon: [Less afraid] No, Watterson. It doesn't work like that. I've had enough! You can't even control yourself and you could've killed me!

Nicole: You... don't need to... RUB IT IN!

[Nicole's anger returns as fast as she pounces, straight onto Brandon and hisses while scratching him onto the eye with her claws. He screams in pain as he covers his eye and throws the feisty blue cat off him. He rings the fire-alarm and before Nicole knows it, she's being captured with chains and gets struck by a tranquilizer dart. Everything turns black...]

Thursday 0.32AM

[Nicole gasps as she suddenly wakes up. She immediately groans by the large headache that spikes up. But when she tries to hold her head with her paws, she realizes that they are chained to the wall. She looks around and sees that she's inside a cell at the police office. Not only her wrists are chained up, but also her neck and legs. She angrily tries to release herself from the ironwork, but fails. Suddenly an officer and Richard come in and walk towards the bars of Nicole's cell. Richard gazes his arm through to caress his wife's face and Nicole immediately falls on her knees, crying in shock.]

Officer: Mr. Watterson, you're free to take her home with you now. But you'll have to make an appointment with the therapist as soon as possible.

[Richard nods in understanding and the officer releases Nicole. She runs into Richard's arms and hugs him tightly, as tears roll down her cheeks.]

Nicole: R-Richard, what happened?! What is wrong with me?!

Richard: You just had another Limit-incident, honey. Don't you worry, you'll be getting therapy soon and I know what can cheer you up.

Nicole: I'm so sorry that you had to come here at this time...

Richard: It's okay, I'm so worried about you!

Nicole: Richard, listen. Something weird is happening to me and I don't know how. I-

[Her headache causes her to interrupt her own words. She clenches her fists on her head and grunts a little out of pain.]

Richard: [Comforts her] There, there, honey. You're too stressed right now. We can talk about this later. Now you need some rest.

[The couple look at each other with worried expressions and silently make their way home. At home, the kids are asleep and Richard puts a paper bag on the kitchen counter. Nicole feels that she has become calmer and her headache faded a little. She notices the brown bag.]

Nicole: Dear, what's that? [Points at it]

Richard: Oh yeah, that are some meds to keep you calm in the meantime, while we wait for the therapy to start.

[Nicole sighs in relief and gives Richard a kiss. After a while, they both changed into their pyjamas and are laying in bed.]

Nicole: Richard... Do you know why they tied me up like that?

Richard: Well, the officer told me that you went berserk towards an employee and were so aggressive, they had to sedate you like that.

Nicole: What? I- Oh... I remember fighting with Brandon, but... gosh! It happened again, didn't it? I went too far!

Richard: Mr. Yoshida is the one who called the law enforcement. But I don't know if he's going to fire you or not.

Nicole: [Sighs] It's fine, it's what I deserve... But wait! It's not what you deserve! Richard, I can't get fired! I'm responsible for the family and-

Richard: [Hushes her] Don't you worry... Try to get some sleep now and we'll figure this out tomorrow, alright?

Nicole: Alright... Well, goodnight dear.

Richard: 'Night.

[Richard turns off the light and they both dwell off in sleep.]

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