Chapter 25 - Fear

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The monstrous Nicole speaks: "AHAHAHAH! I... am you!-"

It points at Nicole.

"- but in the future!"

Nicole shakes her head and frowns. "No! This can't be true! You're only in my head!"

"My dear... Gosh! Things aren't looking so good for youuuu..."

"What does that mean?!"

The monstrous Nicole gets even closer and looks down on its normal self, now being twice the size. "You. Are nothing but a beast, darling. You might not believe it now, but oh boy. You don't know what damage you're about to make..."

"N-no! I-I don't believe you! I'd never hurt a soul! G-get out!"

"Oh, oh, what a pity. 'Wouldn't hurt a soul', ay? Then what about... the hunt you're going on?!"

Suddenly, a dead Richard appears next to the monstrous Nicole. His body is covered in deep slits and blood flows everywhere. The monstrous Nicole grabs him and takes a bite. (The actual) Nicole gasps and her eyes start tearing up. "S-stop it! I'm nothing like that!"

"Your fluffy boy is just the beginning, fooool! YOU WILL END THEM ALL!"

"But why?! I'm nothing like this! I'd never do that! I-I'M NOTHING LIKE YOU!!"

The monstrous Nicole lets Richard disappear and makes the living room get even darker. It gets closer and grabs its normal self by the cheeks. "Or are you...?"

Before Nicole knows it, her mind gets melt together with the one of her monstrous self. There's a bright red flash and Nicole collapses. She then reopens her eyes and sees everything around her went back to normal. She rushes to the bedroom door and sighs deeply in relief when she hears Richard snoring, indicating that he was still there. She then looks around and sees the mirror again. But when she looks into it, she sees it; the curse of her Limit stages has unfolded itself. Her body's tension, her glowing eyes and sharp teeth will keep haunting her. She falls to her knees and yells...


[Nicole wakes up and gasps. She pants quickly and starts sobbing. She feels so lost... Disgusted by her own monstrosity, she starts pulling her claws. Tears fall on the sheets and blood soon enough joins them. She doesn't manage to rip out her claws, but her nail beds bleed. She hides her face in her paws as shock runs through her body and her tail twitches. She eventually receives the power to get up from the bed and she slowly approaches the door. Everything feels odd to her when her paw pads touch the floor with every step. Her eyes are wide open and focus on the light that comes from underneath the door.

She twists the doorknob and glares through the opening. She reads 11PM on the clock in the living room and sees Richard watching television. She then exits the bedroom and stands next to the couch while resting her paw on it. Suddenly, she sees that her claws are unsheathed; but when she blinks again, they disappeared. Nicole nervously holds her paws together and Richard notices his wife. They stare into each others' eyes for a brief moment. Nicole sees Richard's worried expression and can hear his heart beating quickly, indicating he was scared. Weird, she thinks, since when is my hearing this sensitive? She then shyly lowers her head and ears.]

Nicole: H-honey? Mind if I join you?

Richard: ...Oh, s-sure! What's the matter?

[Nicole sits down on the couch while keeping distance. But Richard is brave enough to move closer and even wraps an arm around her. Nicole gets more nervous by this, but speaks up anyway.]

Nicole: I just... wanted to let you know I'm still deeply sorry for what I've done... I'm such a terrible mother and I really don't know what to do anymore.

[Richard sees that she starts tearing up again and notices her red eyes, indicating she had been crying before.]

Nicole: [Starts sobbing] I- I d-don't want to hurt any of you, just know that... I would kill myself if I'd ever get my teeth on any of you.

Richard: It's okay, honey. But you're not like this, you're way better. You are an amazing mother, Nicole. You might suffer a lot, but all of this has been too much to deal with.

Nicole: [Sighs and has a slight smile for a second] B-but... [Expression immediately turns to grief again] What are we gonna do about my condition?

Richard: We will speak with the therapist soon, dear. He can give us advice. Or else we can improvise, you know? For example, you're gonna have to wear a muzzle at work, right?

Nicole: Y-yes, but I don't think that's enough to sedate me...

Richard: Some heavier calming pills? Or a tranquilizer dart?

Nicole: I guess that could work...

[Nicole calms a bit down and hugs Richard.]

Richard: Just remember I still love you, honey. I know it isn't the real you who you transform into now and then.

Nicole: [Smiles] Yeah... I love you too.

Richard: You better keep it in mind or else I'm getting the silverware! [Smirks and snickers]

Nicole: [Giggles] I'm not a werewolf, silly!

Richard: Oh yeah, [Laughs] but your big teeth ain't innocent.

Nicole: [Sighs] Yeah...

[The couple smile at each other and Nicole gets in deep thoughts...]

Nicole: Richard?

Richard: Yes, dear?

Nicole: I've been wondering... Why does my monstrous form look like that? I mean, I remember having glowing eyes and sharp teeth in the supermarket incident, but... not such heavy agony. I didn't even rip out of my clothes then and my headaches weren't even so bad compared to what I've been going through so far...

Richard: Nicole, I think it's the possible outing of how you feel, not who you are...

Nicole: But how do you explain the fact that my instincts take over when it happens? That's the complete opposite of how I feel or who I want to be.

Richard: You're a cat to begin with. Your fiery temper for the record, doesn't go well together with your species.

Nicole: [Raises an eyebrow] What do you mean?

Richard: I, uh... I don't mean it in a wrong way, but I think it's because you're a predator?

Nicole: What? No! You don't see our son behaving like this.

Richard: That's because he's still young, Nicole.

Nicole: So what? What are you trying to say with... that 'I'm a predator'?

[Fury starts to rise a bit inside Nicole as her eyebrows tilt into an angry expression. Richard notices this and regrets his choice of words.]

Richard: N-no, honey please! I don't mean it like this... I'm just scared...

Nicole: [Raises her voice] Scared of what, Richard?

[Richard shuts his mouth and sternly closes his eyes. He starts shivering and sweating.]

Nicole: [With a demanding tone] Say it! What are you so scared of?!


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