karen x reader

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haha yea it's karen this time!! i honestly do love her she's very underrated. 🐎
again apologies for my terrible writing style im  still trying to figure mine out 💔💔
image credit: screenshot from dialtown itself!
cw: karen being a softie..
characters: reader, karen, random unimportant phone person :)
reader is (phone/typewriter): typewriter
You stumbled the streets awkwardly, anxiously rubbing your hands together. "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck." You kept whispering to yourself. It was your girlfriend, Karen's birthday today and you didn't have a gift for her. You already had written her a card with your head but you knew it wouldn't be enough. You had to get her the perfect present. You tapped the space bar on your typewriter head.

"Aha!" You said internally as you marched to the nearest store. You had the perfect present idea. A horse figure! Nothing could be better. If only you could find one.. You found a tiny convenience store, entering the store with your head held anxiously high, you went along your mission. Searching the store head to toe, you found nothing of use, your hopes slowly dwindling. A store employee walked up to you;

"Hey, can I help you?" They asked. At this point you were almost in tears, you wanted to make Karen so happy, and you felt like you couldn't. Your head turned to the employee, a young phone stared back at you.

"Horse..." you managed to croak out. "P-pardon?" The phone asked, "we... don't sell HORSES here, *sir/ma'am/other pronouns.*" You made your shaky hands close together, indicating you wanted a small horse. "Tiny horse.." you sniffled. The phone paused, before snapping his fingers.

"Ah, a horse figure! Sorry... umm. I don't think we have a tiny horse." You looked away awkwardly, your hand holding your arm. "But! We do have clay. You can make your own mini horse!" Your eyes lit up immediately, jumping lightly up and down.

You left the store with a heap of clay and no money, quickly skipping back to Karen's apartment to build her present. Once you got to her place, you got to work, settling on the floor and pulling out all the clay you bought. You started to sculpt a base, then a layer, then another layer. Time flew by as you crafted your girlfriend's present. Using a butter knife, you added a few details aaand.. done! It didn't look great to be honest, the 'sculpture' slumped a bit to your left, but it's the love in it that counts, right?

As you were packing up, the front door creaked open. "Hey, I'm home! If... you're here that is." Karen called out. Her footsteps approached you as you started to sweat. Well... here goes nothing. Karen turned to where you were standing.

"Happy birthday Karen!!" You called to her when she saw you, holding her present behind your back as you jumped up and down. She took a step back before sighing.

"T-thanks..." she said, throwing her keys on a nearby table. You ran to her, finally handing out the gift in front of her. A tiny grin appeared on her face. "What is?-"

"Your present! I hope you like it, I made it myself!" You grinned at her, "Oh, and your card! Read it!" Karen's hand reached out to hold her new present.

"A... horse..." she mumbled, looking at you and smiling. While holding her present she opened her card, reading every terribly written word on the paper. "(Y/N), thank you so much." She put her present down and wrapped her arms around you. "I... love you. Thank you." You smiled.

"It's no problem Karen, I love you too."

i DONT like this but i hope yall do again still trying to figure out my style i was never good at writing 💔💔🐎
requests are still open btw!

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