Patient of the Shadows

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Meadowbrook arrived back at her hut with a sigh as she opened the door inside. Her eyes furrowed when she became announced by a familiar voice that weighed on her constantly.

“It’s about time you’ve shown up,” shouted a stallion’s voice.

On Meadowbrook’s bed, laid a lanky stallion with such small muscles that they thinly draped over most of his bones.

“Hurry up and do something about this paltry thing you call a window,” the stallion pointed towards a window where the blind was slightly opened, guiding lines of sunlight near the stallion.

Ever since Meadowbrook allowed this stallion to take residence with her, she was forced to do all that she can to prevent the light from touching the stallion. His body had an odd feature to only take nutrients from the dark, but be seared of skin when touched by the sunlight. Only a creature that relied too much upon the darkness would suffer such a curse. Meadowbrook wasn't surprised, the stallion was Sombra after all.

Meadowbrook glared at the stallion that was only visible due to the thin shades within the room. It was practically her only way to navigate through her home before kindling the chimney flames.

Meadowbrook made her way to the window and straightened the blind, redirecting the sunlight away from the room.

“You could have gone up and done it yourself,” Meadowbrook said. “You won't get any better if you don’t get those bones to work.”

“I don’t need advice from some mud-pony from the countryside,” Sombra retorted. “You should find solace that I even tolerate your presence.”

Meadowbrook’s eyes twitched as she walked her way beside the bony stallion. Meadowbrook had shaved the stallion of his wild beard and tied up his manes to dreadlocks. If not for that overbearing attitude of his, Meadowbrook probably would have swooned over him. Of course, she would never admit that.

Sombra watched her confusedly until he flinched when Meadowbrook pressed her hoof upon his hind leg. Sombra attempted to push Meadowbrook’s hoof off of him, but his body so frail against her strength.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Meadowbrook said. “And it won’t get any better if you don’t take my advice.”

“Is this how you treat all your patients?” Sombra leered at the unsatisfied mare.

“I’ve done my part,” Meadowbrook stated. “I fed you all the nutrients you need, I’ve kept you clean and kept you warm in my bed. You have to do your part as well.”

“Don’t give me orders, mare,” Sombra growled. “Do not forget that you are speaking to—”

Meadowbrook pressed on Sombra’s leg again, making the former king flinch with ayip. “How about we stop thinking about social classes for once and start thinking about getting you back on your hooves, alright?”

“And once I am,” Somba leered at Meadowbrook. “I’ll be certain to return your mistreatment ten folds. You won’t have a moment’s rest once I have you under my hooves.”

“Is this how you always speak to mares,” Meadowbrook glared at the stallion. “Don’t think I’m just some pony you play as a fiddle. The moment you pull something funny, I’m calling in the Princess.”

“If that was true, you would have already told her.” Sombra grinned. “Just admit it, you can’t wait to have a powerful stallion to put you in your place. You desire it.”

“What I desire,” Meadowbrook voiced. “Is for a snobbish stallion to be more compliant. Do we really have to argue about everything as if we’re an old married couple.”

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