Chapter Four:

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So here is Chapter Four. Please Comment, Vote, Fan and Enjoy :) 

As promised, I made this one longer! Xx



Chapter 4:

 Celine’s P.O.V:

 Yesterday was really embarrassing for me. I had cried right in front of Justin. And over a movie!  God, how stupid of me.

 The only thing I’m actually happy about from yesterday is the new clothes I got after the movie. Pattie took me out shopping and I got about a weeks worth of clothes.

 But when Justin was staring at me for at least five minutes…I got chills. I knew he was thinking something. That look wasn’t any look. Maybe he just thought I was weird.

 I was currently braiding my hair in Justin’s bathroom, yes, Justin’s, and wearing my grey sweats. I wanted to look nice when Justin’s friends got here.

“He Cel, looking good!” he paused. “I can call you Cel, right?”

 I laughed. “Yes.” It was my nickname after all. Well, other than ‘girly.’

 “Cool,” he nodded. “But you’ll always be my little girly,” he laughed.

 “Alright, you can call me ‘girly’ but I am not little! I’m 18. So are you,” I pointed out.

 “Fine, fine. Girly it is.” He said leaning against the door frame, his hands in the air, as if he were surrendering to me.


 “Great,” he replied.



  “By the way, what time are your friends getting here?” I asked stopping the chain of words.

 “In about,” he checked his watch, “half an hour.”

  “Oh,” was all I said. I better hurry up and get ready then. It usually took me a while to get ready. I headed past Justin and towards the first drawer, where my clothes were.

 “I better change then,”

 “Why? You look great.”


 “Yeah.” He said. I guess I’ll just stay in my sweats.

 “Hey, um, where’s your mom’s room?” I asked.

 “Next door. And Scooter has the room next to that one,” he replied.

 “Did you guys, like, rent the whole floor?” I laughed sarcastically.

 “Actually yes.”

  That caught me by surprise. “Seriously?” I asked, picking up my water bottle and taking a sip.

 “Yeah, its for security reasons. All these Seven rooms are ours. But since we didn’t know you were gonna be here, I guess you’ll have to share a room with Fredo and Ryan.”

  I almost chocked on my water.

 “What?! Why?” Not that I had anything against them, I just didn't really know them.

“My mom has the room next door, she’s sharing with Alison and Mama Jan, my vocal coach. Scooter shares a room with Ryan Good. My room, of course, has me. The backup dancers share the next room. Kenny, my bodyguard, shares a room with Dan Kanter. My band has a room for themselves. Then we have one last room, which will be Fredo and Ryan’s, and you will be sharing with them.”

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