Chapter 1 "I'm a model, not a superstar"

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Hi guys! This is a new fanfic I'm starting, the second one in fact :D

There's not much to say cuz this is the first author's note except ..

BIG BIG thank you to @Addictive_Writer for making the cover. I love you, Chandni!

Hope you like this.


When I'm walking down that runway, I feel as if I have complete control of my body. Strut, strut, strut, that's what I'm doing, and I'm doing it well.

I'm no drama queen. I'm pretty real, if you ask me or anyone else. I mean, I'm not like Cassie  or Selena Gomez fine, but I am confident.

That's what landed me a job modeling for Wilhemina.

I can walk well. I'm 5' 10", which is pretty damn tall. I have long hair, and in this industry they like long hair.

But other than that, I'm your average girl. Brown hair, brown eyes, overall average facial features.

I like to sing along to the radio and goof off with my friends. I bitch about my manager and worry about nonsense and spend hours daydreaming about Ryan, the hot new male model they have at my agency.

I do go to a lot of celebrity parties, though. It's fun, to meet all of these superstars and models that have reached extreme fame. But nobody really starts a conversation with me, becuase here I'm regarded as a nonentity.

That's why it surprised me when Niall Horan walked right up to me and started a conversation.

"Hey," he said casually, while I stared at him as if he were an alien.

"Hey ..." I replied, wondering why the flibbering flapjacks he was talking to me.

"I'm Niall," he said. No shit, I thought.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Anna ... Goulding ..." I said awkwardly. I never knew if people wanted to know my first name, or first and last.

I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulder. It was Georgia, my manager. She's short and in her fifties, with cheesy pink glasses and white-blond hair cut in a bob. I don't really like - she's very bossy, but it's probably because she's my boss. She's supposed to be bossy ... I guess.

"I see you two are getting along well!" she piped in an annoying voice.

"Yeah ... I guess so," I said, uninterested.

"I sure am!" Niall said, much too cheerfully. "In fact, can I get your number?"

Whoa, dude. You do not just walk up to a girl, ask what her name is, then try to get her number. I don't give two shits if you're some famous popstars, that's just not cool, man.

"No!" I shouted. This guy was just trying to get me in bed.

"Anna!" Georgia gasped, then pulled me aside. "Just what do you think you are doing?"

"He only wants me in bed," I said casually, taking a sip of my champagne.

"He could make you world famous," Georgia said seriously, looking deep into my eyes.

"I don't want to be world famous. I'm a model, not a superstar," I shot back.

Georgia sighed angrily. "Listen, Anna, you need to do this. It will benefit you, it will benefit me, it's a win-win situation."

I pouted my lip. "NOT FOR ME!" I screamed, which earned some stares from people, including Taylor Lautner. I actually liked him. Damn.

"Why not?" Georgia put her hands on her hips.

"I don't want to date him. He's nothing but a rotten, filthy rich popstar," I put my hands on my hips, too, mimicking her.

"He's only asking for your number!"

"Yeah, but we all know what happens after that..."

Georgia narrowed her eyes. "Anna, you need to do this. Do it now," she growled.

I looked down and sighed. "Only 'cuz you're my manager," I mumbled, finally accepting defeat in our argument.

I walked - actually, I strutted - back over to Niall and gave him a fake smile.

"Hi! I said, pretending to be friendly.

"Um ... hi ... I'm sorry if you though I was being rude. I just thought you were really pretty," Niall looked down sadly, as if he really did want to date me. Yeah, sure.

"Oh, no, I was the rude one," I assured him.

"So you'll give me your number?" Niall looked up happily, like a dog getting offered a treat.

I wanted to tell him, No, you're a really creepy popstar that just wants to fuck me!, but instead I smiled and answrered, "Of course."

We both exchanged numbers, Niall smiling the whole time.

"So ... wanna hang sometime soon?" he asked. Goddamnit, this guy was really pushing it.

I looked down, trying to control my anger.

"Sure," I breathed out. And with that one word, my whole world spiraled out of control.


So how did you all like it? It's not very long, but, hey, it's the first chapter!

Oh, and when I was talking about Cassie, I meant the singer/dancer, not me. No, I'm not that conceited.

Lots of hugs and kisses,



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