Chapter 2 "It's for you, my little honeyboo"

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Happy (Late!) Turkey Day Everybody (Or just Americans, I guess ...) -.-  I actually don't like Thanksgiving.

I don't have much to say today ... hmmmm im in a weird mood :/

xox Cassie


Anna's POV

My parents are two very different people.

My father has dark, curly hair and deep olive skin. He is very happy and rather oblivious to things. He loves all three of his daughters (I have two sisters). The most stunning thing about him is his eyes. They're sea-green, neon almost, and seem to light up his whole face.

My mother has pin-straight, snowy blonde hair and china blue eyes. Her white pale skin is dotted with freckles, from her cheeks to her nose to her forehead. She's rather scatterbrained, a little skittish and nervous, a complainer for the most part - I love her, but sometimes wonder why my father chose her.

My two sisters seem to have taken their attributes.

My younger sister, Brooke, looks excactly like my mother. She's very into fashion - I am too, but she's more of a "I want it all!" kind of person. She's fifteen years old, and I'm eighteen. A little eccentric, romance-obsessed, she's crazy, but we have our moments.

My other younger sister, Kaylee, is oddly like my father. Her curly black hair falls to her shoulders in a big poof. She's bubbly, happy all the time, and never notices my (or anyone else's) imperfections. She's thirteen. To her, the whole world is, as she says, "prettiful." And althoughI don't like to admit it, Kaylee is my favorite, by far.

I'm eighteen. Brown hair, brown eyes. I don't look like anyone in my family.

I'm that person that always tries to be funny, but my parents and Brooke never get my humor. Only Kaylee does.

Usually, I stay away from my family - my modeling agency keeps me overnight a lot, too. But today, I feel like going out with Kaylee, to the mall or something.

"Hey, Kay," I said casually, as she sits at the kitchen table, gobbling down pancakes. "Want to go to the mall or something?"

Kaylee's sea green eyes light up immeadiately. "Yeah!" she smiles, with white, straight, teeth. "Let me go get my purse!"

Before she scampers away, she turns to look at me. "Mom made pancakes," she points to the plateful on the table. "And she says she wants you to eat them."

"Okay," I say, grabbing a plate and plopping two pancakes onto it, drizzled with sweet maple syrup.

But as soon as Kaylee leaves, I find myself scraping them into the trash, wanting them to be out of my sight more than anything.


Niall's POV

"It's just .. she was so beautiful," I gush to Harry. Rehearsal has just ended and we are drinking water.

"You get her number?" He asks me, setting down his water bottle.

"Yeah ... but I don't think she really likes me," I say sadly, cracking my knuckes, one by one.

"What?" Harry looks shocked. "Most girls - especially Americans - adore you. Why wouln't she like you?"

"I don't know," I answer truthfully. "She's different."

"Well," Harry crosses his arms and stares at me. "Why don't you call her up and see if she wants to do something today? You can always win her over, you know."

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