Chapter 2

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I heard an annoying sound coming from my side and immediately knew what it was "Ehhh I forgot to turn off that shitty thing" I said as I punched my alarm and it went off, it was now 8Am. "Hmm now I am awake and can't get back to sleep" I thought and decided to get up.

I went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I just wore some sweat pants and an oversized shirt because it's Saturday and on weekends I don't have to work.

I decided to eat pancakes to breakfast and went to the fridge to get the ingredients but I saw that I don't have any milk anymore "f*ck it, why does it have to be today on my chill day" I said to myself and went to change into something I could go out with.

I changed into this:

I got my wallet and went out

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I got my wallet and went out. After a 5 minute walk I arrived at my nearest supermarket. I went in to find the cashier and only one other customer "huh isn't much going on here now" I thought  and went to grab the milk and some ramen for later.

As I wanted to grab the last ramen that was there another hand touched it and I looked to my right. There was a man I think he was in my age or a bit older but I couldn't see it well because he had a face mask on. We stared at each other for a moment but then he said "oh eh.. You can have it" his voice was nice and from what I could see he is very beauti- (y/n) what are you thinking you just met him.

"oh no you can have it I just go to another store to find some ramen" I said but he wouldn't take a no "no it's OK you can take it it wasn't even for me it was for my friend he always eats it I don't really understand why I like chicken much more"

"OK thanks" I said and walked to the cashier. After paying I looked at the man from before one more time only to find him starring at two sorts of chicken.
I chuckled and walked back home.

Back at home I made the pancakes and ate them. While eating I got a message, I looked at my phone and saw that it was from my friends "from who else would it be you don't have somebody else than them" I said to myself.


Best Bitches❤️😝

CL💋: Hey giirrls, wanna go to a club tonight??

Lisa😘: I am in

Rose🌹: Me too

Oh yes I am more than in \(^-^)/ : Me🖤

You guys come to my place at 7 and we             get ready together :Me🖤

CL💋: OK see yah there

*Groupchat ends*

I put my phone away und ate my breakfast. After that I looked at my watch "it's 9:56 Am and the girls are coming other at 7 Pm that means I have so much time left... What should I do" I said.

After some thinking I decided just to watch some TV, so I went into my living room and put the TV on.

Just when I wanted to put on netflix something interesting came on: "There was found the 13th dead body this week, all off them got shot or stabbed, the police thinks that the reason of the dead body's is a new gang or the mafia of seoul is active again after 9 years" the TV lady said and I just chuckled

"the mafia of Seoul? Pff.. They are inactive after my father the leader of the mafia of Seoul was killed... I don't know who killed him but I also don't really care, he never cared for me nor my mum. He was just focused on training me to make me the next leader, but I didn't even wanted that. He made me go over my limits and because of that I often was injured but he didn't care at all. One time I had a sprained ankle but he still wanted me to run until I fainted" I said

"I think that the cause of the dead body's is just a new gang or maybe a new mafia but who knows.." I thought.


A/n: what do you think about it till now pls let me know - - - >

I hope you can guess who was the man at the supermarket ^^

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