Chapter 7 - Gotcha

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"AAHGHH!" A shout of pain is synchronized together. Whoever I landed into, we tumbled and hit the carpet below. "Owww.....!" I grumble in pain. I immediately shoot my head up to Masky and Hoodie, "I will murder you tw-"
"Rose? You're here!" I hear my name in a somewhat mild cracky, excited, British accented voice that flows with energy, joy and a hint of madness. I look down, and my brown eyes widen as they meet white orbs. It's Jack. Not the blue masked Jack. The colorless, always hyperactive Laughing Jack! I am right ontop of his long body, our legs touching, almost intertwining.

"J-Jack!" My pale face goes pink. I hurriedly scramble off of the monochromatic clown. "I-Im sorry!" I stand up, and extend my hand. Laughing Jack grabs it, and I pull him up. "Are you okay?" I ask with much concern. I am overflowed with embarrassment, my heart won't stop racing.

"Never been better!" He cackles. He grows more intriguing everytime I see him. His body is much taller than mine, not as tall as the Slender brothers, but enough to make anyone feel short. His beautiful shoulder lengthed, charcoal black hair hung over his gorgeous white face. His eyes are white, his lips black as night, adorned with sharp teeth. His pointed black and white striped nose was always cute to me. His lean body typically had a cropped black shirt, with long black and white striped sleeves, black feathered shoulder covers. His waist is strapped with grey bandages, his pinstripe, patched up britches held up with a belt and suspenders.

"A-are you sure? We landed pretty hard." I stutter. I am starting to sound like Hoodie.

"I'm as great as ever! Now that you're here...." Jack reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a lollipop in a black plastic wrap. "I'm just happy to see you made it, Rose!" He extends the candy to me. If I could blush anymore, I would. He is... happy? To see me? I take the candy, my pale fingers brushing against Jack's bandaged palm. I want to cherish this sugary treat for the rest of time.

"Thank you!" I smile, a tone of gratitude in my voice. "Hold on, I have something to give you as well."

"Oohh?" He gleams. I turn immediately to see the two proxies who stopped to stare at this interesting scene. I turn to Hoodie, who froze. I walk up to him with a sudden friendly smile. No irritation, no anger. Before I continue, I stop and snap my head to Masky with a deadly stare. He tenses. I face Hoodie, taking the bag from him, with a large grin.

"Thank you!" I turn, and see a calm Jeff watching us. I extend my arms to hand Jack his bag of goodies. "This is for you." I smile.

"Rose! You shouldn't have.." Jack took the bag. It felt lighter than earlier.... too light. As he opens it, he peers into the bag. "Um...."

"Something wrong?" I look in as well. It's empty, except for a mere orange Starburst! I shoot my gaze at the two Proxies.

"So, did *tic* you finally...." I know that voice. I turn back, seeing Toby walk up behind Jeff.

"You." He pauses, seeing Laughing Jack with the empty candy bag, Jeff right infront of him, Hoodie looking guilty even with his face covered and Masky still holding the cake. But mostly, a pissed off Rose.
"Shit...." he mutters. I march to him, backing him up.

"Open your pockets." I demand.

"What? *tic* No way!" He refuses.

"Toby...." I'm serious. I bought that candy with my hard earned money, for Jack, and these brats charge off with it like they are entitled to it? I back Toby up to the wall, glaring into the boys golden goggles. Everyone present in the hallway watches intently, even Jack, as they can sense that I'm not playing games anymore.

"Back *tic* off." Toby orders.

"Not a chance, short stuff." I refuse, even though he is my height. Guys hate it nonetheless. I can hear Jeff snicker behind me.

"What did you-" Toby then tenses as my hand traces over his right pocket, to feel for any candy. Nothing.

"You pervert! *tic*" He accuses me.

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you." I padded my hand on his left pocket. Bingo. I shove my hand in, pulling out a handful of Jolly Ranchers, lollipops and one lemon head.

"Now the back pockets." I command.

"There's *tic* nothing in my back pockets!" He defend.

"Like hell there isn't." I protest, putting my arms around him, and stuffing both my hands in his butt pockets. Toby's reaction is jumping. Jeff and Jack snicker and then let out hysterical bursts of laughter, their laughs in synch with each others, embarrassing the living ego out of Toby. There is nothing. I pulled my hands out.

"Now for your hood pockets."


"You sure love making things difficult," I sigh, "or perhaps you're just enjoying this." I tease. Before Toby has time to protest, I stuff my hands in his hood pockets, feeling a bag. I pull it out. It is a bag of sour Skittles. The rest of the candy is scattered across the halls. "Toby, if you're going to lie, make sure you're good at it." I smirk at the pissed off Proxy.

"Okay, *tic* you got what you *tic* wanted! Now get away!" He angrily demands. For a second, I thought I saw a tint of red on Toby's cheeks. I pull away, huffing like a sassy cheerleader. I place the rescued candy back to its rightful place.

"There ya go, Jack." Jack is still laughing, as well as Jeff. I begin to laugh too. Toby walks over to the others, swearing and muttering death wishes upon my pathetic existence, which makes it even more hilarious. Serves him right for stealing from me. The three proxies walk off in defeat to enjoy their cake, leaving just me, Jack and Jeff.

"Well then." Jeff says, finally finished busting a gut, "Now that that's over with, let's head downstairs. It's a good thing Slender didn't catch us-"

"Catch you doing what?"

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