Chapter 19 - Melting (LEMON)

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(WARNING - The following you are about to read contains content not suited for minors. Contains sexual content and nudity. Also really long, so if you want, skip to where the lemon ends)

Tonight is the night. Is Laughing Jack finally mine? Am I finally his? Questions soar through my mind. Jack leads me around the tent again, only this time to come across a small, vintage style trailer. It is brown with black and white half way peeled off polka dots. It is cute, simple and cool at the same time. "What is this place?" I ask curiously as Jack opens the door, making a brief, high pitched squeak.

"An old circus wagon," he says, leading me inside. It is fairly sized, not too big nor too small. The space contains a simple chair and a one person bed. "This is what performers typically used as transportation back in the day to get to and from circuses who hired them. This was my room for a while until Slenderman allowed me to stay in the mansion." I hang to every word to speaks, "Whenever I come to my carnival, it's just to revisit old memories." He explains as he closes the door behind him.

"I see..." I say as Jack sits at the edge of the bed. I join him, and sit down next to him. I notice the clown rest his cheek on his hand.

"Some memories I simply can't leave behind... " Jack continues. "I've done evil things. If you were just anyone, I wouldn't be so kind. I would be a completely different clown. You would fear me." I say nothing. "Everyone in that mansion is a monster, Rose."

"... I guess that would make me one too." I laugh. Jack just looks at me.

"No, you're not Rose."

"I serve you all and call you my friends. That alone would classify me as a monster."

"No. You're.. normal." He tells me.

"There's no such thing." I fidget with my black nails, "I don't mean to give any lecture, but we're all weird. Some of us are just better at hiding it, and others can't help it and some, well... some have the option to hide it but choose not to." I look at him, "I'm young, and there's still a lot in this world that I don't understand, but I do understand what it feels like to be an outcast." I smile warmly, "You're bizarre Jack. I love that about you."

Jack blinks and then looks down, "You... really do accept me..." He mutters softly. He rests his forehead on his hand. He almost looks like he's in disbelief.

"Why be constantly surprised?" I ask. I let him know that at least more than several times today and showed it by bringing him sweets. Is he really in doubt?

"It's hard to believe after decades of loneliness and being... forgotten." He says. I pause and scoot into him, hugging him from behind, my arms wrapping around his lean body. I rest my cheek on his shoulder, the black feathers tickling my face, "Loneliness sucks. I know."

Jack turns to me, and leans in to me. He pauses right before my face. "Thank you..." Without another word, he plants his lips once again on mine. I kiss him back, sliding my arm up to his neck. I pull Jack closer to me and he obliges. He turns to face me so our contact would be easier. Our kiss turns slowly into a hot makeout session, the sound of lips smacking being audible, our breathing growing heavy. His lips feel amazing... he kisses so well to my surprise. My piercing probes his chin as his nose probes my cheek, making me giggle softly. I take it a step further.


I run my tongue along his black bottom lip. He tenses slightly, and I sneak my hand up to his black hair, running my fingers through it. I lick his lip more, before slipping my tongue into his mouth. I smirk at how cute he is despite how sinister he looks. The shy clown goes along with it, letting me explore his wet cavern. His sharp teeth scrape my tongue, and I love it. His tongue is much larger than my own, but I don't mind at all. It just adds more fun after all. I drag my tongue along his. Jack twirls his tongue along mine as he grew very much into it. I can sense he is growing comfortable. Our tongues dance and wrestle, and he is winning. He pushes himself forward into me. I undo my leather jacket before sliding it off, and tossing it to the floor. I lay back onto the bed, pulling Jack by his grey ascot until he is knelt ontop of me, his tall body hovering above me. I grow more heated every second. I pull him to me, our lips crashing, more audible smacks and face sucking. His teeth poke and scrape my lips and tongue, only increasing my excitement.

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