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You make me glooooowow
But I cover up won't let it shooowowoowow
So I'm putting my defenses uuup
Cuz I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that I think I'd have a heart attack

I sang the end of the song enthusiastically, making the crowd erupt into cheers and screams.Signs were everywhere,marry me,be my Juliet,sing for me,I luv u,and so on.

"Have a good night Minnesota!"


"You've got a nice pair of lungs."

"You sing as beautifully as you look."

"You were amazing!"

Those were the comments I get while walking through the hallways.

I was like a popular hottie,not the popular like my friend ,Alicia.Just yknow popular.

Which makes guys think that they can try to date me.Another perk is that I don't do 'dating'.

I've never been labeled as an item with someone else,and I never will be.

As I walked into the cafeteria with my bag of chips and water bottle,everyone became silent as they watched me.I was used to this,if not the fact that I sing,its the fact that my dad owns more than half of the things in this state.

Anyways,I slid into my usual seat between Jake and Alicia.

My friends and I almost never associate with people outside our group,partly cuz we all are weirdos labeled as the popular kids and are all different,but yeah you get the idea.

James,labeled as the sweetheart.

Alicia,popular girl,basically like a barbie I'm like totally serious,all she's missing is the blond hair.

Eric,the player.'Hump n Dump'is his motto.I think you guys get the point.

Chloe,the nerd.Little smartass in my opinion,her and James are a couple now.

And finally ,Jake, the clown,curly haired devil.

"Hey beautiful," Jake winked,"If you and I were squirrels I'd put my nuts-"

I cut him off by grabbing his hair and slamming his head on the table.

"Shut the hell up." I growled,even though I was smiling a bit.

The whole table erupted in laughter.

"And you guys are just all ,uuuhhh,uum....Dipshits!" I yelled at them opening my bagnof chips.

"Wow,is that all you've got." Said Eric.

"Your really losing your touch." Cooed Chloe.

My friends are all piles of shit,I thought,when Jake grabbed my bag of chips and ran out of the cafeteria.

Exactly ,my point proved.

"Hey anyone want to crash at my place tonight?" Said James.

"Hell yeah ."

"Sign me up."


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