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I was walking in the parking lot of the mall looking for my bright blue car.

"Damn it,what's up with people wanting the same car as me." I muttered to myself .

All of a sudden,I heard someone yelling and cussing ,just as I was about to walk over to my car(which I just fuckin found).

I followed the sound to be met by a girl about my age,and damn,was she good looking.

"Need any help."

"My car broke down." She announced."Does it look like I need help?"

"Yeah in the head." I grumbled."You can ride with me."

"Well quite the prince charming you are right?" She said locking her car and walking over.

"Just get in." I growled.

"OK,OK,sheesh don't eat me!" She mumbled getting into the car.

We fell into an awkward silence,as I drived.

"Why are you so quiet." I asked.

"Well you don't plan out murders aloud now do you." She replied.

"Are you always like this?!"

"What do you mean sweetie?"

"Yknow what forget about it!" I exclaimed getting irritated.

"Oh my holy lord,your so cute when your angry!" She cooed pinching my cheek.

Normally I'd never let a girl touch me like this,but there was something special about this girl,even though I'd just met here and frankly might never see her again.

"Stop-don-just -JUST STOP IT!" I finally cracked.

And yknow what she did.

She laughed.

A full on laugh-till-your-sides-hurt laugh.

"What are you doing," I yelled.

I pulled over the car.

"Yessssss!" She exclaimed.

"Yes what?"

"I get to cross off ,'make someone pull the car over cuz your annoying them'my bucket list." She announced ,taking out her phone.

"I hate you." I declared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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