Throne Room

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 The throne room, large, red, menacing, the perfect adjectives to use when describing it. Snoke, in his metal throne, eight guards, four on each side of him, in red armour that made them blend in with the red backdrop. "Well done, my good and faithful apprentices," Snoke, wrapped in his golden robe, boomed as Kylo and Ree pushed Rey forwards towards the throne. "My faith in you two is restored." The shackled scavenger stopped in front of the throne while the two apprentices kneeled behind her. Then Snoke turned his attention towards the scavenger, "young Rey. Welcome." He smiled ominously, sending shivers down both Rey's and Ree's spine.

The beeping sound of the lock being released followed by the metal shackles hitting the metal ground nearly made Ree jump up. It was clear she was filled with anxiousness even though she wasn't the one being held prisoner. But she wasn't dumb, why would the scavenger have walked right into their nest without having a clear plan in mind, she couldn't be that stupid, could she?

"Come closer, child." Rey didn't follow Snoke's instructions, she continued looking brave and strong and all those other things heroes wanted to be perceived as. "So much strength," the Supreme Leader noted, he too must have thought that Rey's brave-face looked ridiculous. "Darkness rises, and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentices that as they grew stronger, their equal in the light would rise." With a flick of his hand, Snoke made the lightsaber that had belonged to Anakin Skywalker before fly from Kylo's hand up to the Supreme Leader's own. Ren didn't flinch, Ree wanted to jump back. Her shoulders were so tense, her breathing so light, how could everyone else be so calm and collected while she felt like a nervous week. "Skywalker, I assumed," he chuckled but it quickly died out, "wrongly." His voice became a whisper, "closer, I said."

Again, without even moving a muscle, Snoke had made the brunette's entire body float towards him. Even though how much the scavenger tried to resist him, she was nothing compared to the Supreme Leader. It was refreshing, Ree thought, to know that the scavenger wasn't some undefeatable Force-God, even her powers wavered in comparison to the Supreme Leader.

"You underestimate Skywalker," Rey uttered as she continued floating towards Snoke, "and Ben Solo. And me. It will be your downfall" Ree's jaw clenched at the mention of Kylo's old name. It was interesting, the scavenger claimed to find conflict in Kylo, not her. Was he the loose cannon? The snake in the grass? A traitor? No, never. Not Kylo. He would never abandon Ree, that was the only thought in her mind.

"Oh," Snoke gasped, "have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice? Is that why you came?" He continued looking surprised as he then switched into laughter. Rey was now up on the little platform right in front of the throne. "Young fool. It was I who bridged your minds." The statement made Kylo look up from the floor and Keelor towards him. A wave of relief was sent through her, there was no special Force-connection between her beloved and the traitor, only one caused by Snoke. "I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you." Ree nodded to herself, Snoke was certainly right about that fact. "And you were not wise enough to resist the bait." The blonde had to bite her tongue to not smirk, Snoke had also been right about what the idiotic scavenger would do. "And now, you will give me Skywalker." Snoke put his hand up to Rey's cheek who breathed quickly, "then I will kill you with the cruellest stroke." Keelor wished that she could be the one to end the scavenger's life after all the pain, both physical and mental that the desert scum had inflicted on her. She felt that it was nothing but justice for her to execute the killing blow.

"No," Rey spat.

"Yes." Snoke devilishly smiled back. Using the Force, the Supreme Leader pushed the rebel out in the air, making her hand suspended in the air as he tried to extract the information out of her. "Give.  Me. Everything."

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