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          IT WAS THE MORNING OF the trial. Mrs. Weasley was scurrying around the house, frantically reminding Harry his trial was in two hours as if he wasn't already hyper aware of the fact that his trial was in two hours, five minutes, and twenty-five seconds along with the possibility of the end of his student life.

"Oh Harry dear, don't forget the papers," Molly
remarked again, irritating Harry. He huffed,

"I won't. I told you last time, Mrs. Weasley, I've already put them in my bag."

Mrs. Weasley harrumphed before chirping, "I was just making sure, Harry dear. You know how used I am to Ron forgetting everything — I swear he'd lose his head if it weren't attached to his shoulders!"

Harry sighed, turned around, and refrained from rolling his eyes. When Harry has first met the mother of the Weasley clan, she'd seemed caring, motherly, and little overprotective, but now she was just overbearing and insulting. She didn't go a day without throwing a concealed insult at her "less successful" sons — Ron, Fred, and George.

Harry shook his head. She's a bit much, he thought, but she's still their mom and she's trying her best. It's probably just how she grew up.

Ignoring the thought of overbearing red-headed women, his mind flew back to the topic of the trial. Sirius obviously couldn't leave the house, and Remus wasn't allowed in the courtroom, as a werewolf. So his options were to bring one person (Arthur), or no one.

He opted for no one. Arthur was a bit eccentric, and he feared he'd look foolish — more so than he did already — in front of not only the Minister but the entire Wizengamot. He may be a "reckless and impulsive Gryffindor," but he still cared about his reputation. It was taking a big enough hit as is.

Breaking him from his thoughts was a loud tap at the window. Harry looked over and saw a fairly large Screech Owl, with a letter attached to its talons — with a ministry wax seal on it. Oh shit.

Five minutes later, Harry's butterflies had fucked like bunnies and multiplied. He felt like puking.

"Alright," Arthur said nervously, "we're off."

"The Ministry!"

And with a dash of Floo Powder, they were gone.

Harry stood outside of the courtroom, trying to breathe. Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck

"Okay, Harry," Arthur smiled, "into the room ya go. Good luck."

Harry managed a weak smile in return, but his eyes betrayed his true feelings — "this is bullshit."

Harry sighed and straightened his posture, trying to remember all the etiquette he learned from Sirius. In one movement, he opened the door, and started walking towards the chair in the center of the room.

"Ah, Mister Potter," Fudge started with a hint of disapproval, "you're on time."

Harry smiled. Always smile, Harry, Sirius has said, it makes him feel like you care about him and he'll be more inclined to your favor. "Of course, Minister. I wouldn't miss it."

Harry could feel the eyes of the Wizengamot — all of the Lords and Ladies of different families — on him.

"Well, shall we begin?" Fudge smirked. 

Harry nodded.

"Disciplinary hearing of the Twelfth of August into offenses committed by one Harry James Potter, resident and number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Interrogators, Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister of—"

"Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Dumbledore roared as he walked into the room, causing the Wizengamot to grumble.

Fudge sputtered. "D-Dumbledore? I- i see you got our message of the new trial time,"

Dumbledore smiles serenely. "Of course, Minister. Well I sure didn't get an owl like my boy Harry here, but I have my ways. Alas, I am here."

Oh Merlin, no. Dumbledore will ruin the plan. But how to get rid of him?

In a quick move, Harry turned to Fudge, "Minister? My apologies, but I did not ask Albus Dumbledore to appear as a witness at my trial."

Dumbledore looked shaken. "Harry?" He questioned, his eyes curious. All Fudge did was smile.

"Well Mr. Potter, in that case, Albus Dumbledore will be escorted to the stands."

Two wizards came over from the door and grasped Dumbledore by the shoulders, leading him to the stands. Dumbledore seemed agitated, but he didn't comment, simply sitting down and opting to watch the trial.

"Let us continue," Fudge coughed, "the charges against the accused as follows, that he did knowingly and in full awareness of the illegality of his actions produce a Patronus charm is the presence of a muggle." Fudge looked at Harry.

"Do you deny producing said Patronus charm?"

Harry looked him straight in the eyes. "No."

Fudge smiled evilly. "And are you aware you are forbidden to use magic outside of school under the age of seventeen?"

Harry smiled back, jarring Fudge. "Yes, of course, however—"

"Then you clearly—"


Fudge spinner around wildly. "What, Lady Bones?"

The woman, Lady Bones, smiled at Fudge. "Forgive me, Minister, but before declaring him guilty you must give him a chance to speak in his defense. He was about to say something, however you interrupted him." Fudge growled.

"Okay. Mister Potter, you may speak."

Harry grinned. "As you wish. As I was saying, Minister, I am aware that any normal wizard or witch would not be permitted to use magic outside of school. However,"

Harry straightened his back, "I am no normal wizard. Last year I was entered — against my permission — into the Triwizard Tournament, and was chosen as champion. If you remember, Minister, once someone is chosen as a Champion for the Tournament they are magically emancipated."

The court gasped, and Fudge turned red.

"He's right—"

"Magically emancipated? I didn't know that..."

"I did, Susan, it's in any pureblood's library."

"Oh so Rion, you're just so stupid you forgot?"

"And," Harry continued, grasping the attention of the court once more, "that means in the eyes of the law, I am an adult. Which means I did not break the underage magic law. And to the other issue — using magic in the presence of a muggle. Minister, I wasn't given a choice. Had I not used that Patronus charm, said muggle would be dead. And might I add, the muggle in question is one I was raised with and he has known of Magic for years."

Lady Bones smiled. "All in favor of clearing Mr Harry James Potter of all charges?"

34 members of the Wizengamot raised their hands.

"And those opposed?"

16 hands.

Lady Bones' lip quirked up, "then I, Lady Bones of the Wizengamot, pronounce Harry James Potter not guilty and cleared of all charges. You may leave, Mr. Potter."

Harry smiled. "Thank you, Lady Bones."

And he walked out of the court room.


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