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           WHEN HARRY, ARTHUR, AND DUMBLEDORE arrived back at 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius and Remus flocked their godson.

"How did it go?" Remus questioned, a worried look on his face. Sirius grumbled,

"It better have gone well. I swear, Harry, if that coward Cornelius gave you any trouble I'll knock his lights out—"

"Padfoot, no—"

"Padfoot yes, Remy—"

"You are not going to hit the Minister, no matter how stupid he is—"

"Bollocks. I can and I will—"

Harry laughed at their banter. "I'm okay, guys, promise. It went really well. I'm cleared of all charges!" He beamed.

Sirius' face lit up. "Great! I don't wanna have to go to Azkaban again for assaulting the Minister of Magic." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, Harry, we're glad it went well. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you"... Harry had never heard that before. And hearing it from someone so important to him, like Remus, makes him beam with pride. He did something that made someone proud of him. He made Remus proud of him. Harry smiled big, and asked, "Okay, what's for lunch? We can catch up on what happened at the trial during lunch, I'm hungry."

Sirius and Remus just laughed.

Mrs. Weasley served lunch (salads, sandwiches, and burgers galore), and everyone currently at Grimmauld Place sat down to eat. That included Harry, Remus, Sirius, Molly, Arthur, Ginny, strangely Tonks, Fred & George, and Hermione and Ron, who'd just come back from getting Fred & George from the Burrow. Dumbledore had apparated back to Hogwarts.

Harry immediately reaches for the sandwiches, grabbing three. Sirius laughed,  "Someone's hungry,"

Harry snorted. "Schuff it, shirius. (Stuff it, Sirius.)"

Remus chuckled at the two's antics. "So Harry— what exactly went down at the trial?"

Everyone listened in — they were all curious, of course.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Okay, so, when I arrived at the trial on time, Fudge was clearly upset. Obviously, he'd hoped the owl would reach me late. He begins his obligatory speech, as he does, and suddenly Dumbledore shows up as my defense. And usually I'd be fairly happy about that, but in this case he would've totally ruined my plan, so I make sure he's not my defense and just sits in the stands. And then..."

Everybody listened in as Harry described what happened at the trial, and at the end of his story, Sirius was practically glowing with pride. "Way to go, pup! I knew you could pull it off!" He grinned.

Harry smiled sheepishly, blood rushing to his cheeks. "It really wasn't a big deal..." he muttered.

"Oh but of course it is!" Mrs. Weasley all but shouts. "We're so proud of you, Harry," for some reason it didn't sound the same coming from Molly as it did Remus, "let's eat to your success!"

Around 2 PM, Harry sat in the library, reading up on magical emancipation. It was a fairly simple topic, but he didn't want to sound stupid when he talked about it.

He read on,  When one is magically emancipated (a rare occasion, only really done by purebloods), it is usually by pureblood families who wish to make sure their underage heirs have full access to the vaults in case of emergency. This is rarely done nowadays, though, as life expectancy is a lot higher and heirs have more time before they are head of the family.

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