Asking Kong, Asking Mothra (18)

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Endermagic123 : Mothra, have you been on Skull Island often?

Mothra: No... in fact, I've never been there at all.

Kong: *Comes outta nowhere and pats her back* It's beautiful there, Mothie!

Mothra: EEP-

Ight, speaking of you, Kong, Tyler— (again...) —has a question!

@tylerjg04 : Hey Kong, what do you think of your TV show?

Kong: OH HELL YEAH!!! I SO LOVE THE PARTS WHERE I KICK ASS! But aside from that, I really loved the show!

Godzilla: Pfft...

Kong: *Death stare*

(How GvK really started lol, also, sorry for the long delay. I lost motivation in this book series)

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