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I never thought I'd be so relieved to step foot in our ninth floor apartment.  Finishing up the few remaining hours of training after my fight with the boy from District 1 was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  All the other Careers kept flashing me knowing smirks or intimidating smiles.  The quieter tributes avoided me as best as they could.  Apparently I've already earned a reputation with everyone, and it's not one I'd been hoping to achieve.

Cas and I get ourselves cleaned up before we eat with the rest of our team, and I'll admit I'm dreading this evening's conversation.  Who knows if they heard what went on today?  They might know nothing at all, but guilt and fear have been gnawing on my insides for hours on end.  I wish I could go back in time and prevent any of that from ever happening, but I can't, and now I have to live with the consequences.

At least the food is amazing tonight.  Roasted duck, ham, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a very tempting apple pie for dessert.  Maybe I can drown my sorrows in food.  Maybe that will make me feel better.

Crowley and Meg join us at the table again.  For a while, no one speaks.  The sounds of cutlery clinking against our plates is the only thing keeping the silence from becoming unbearable.  Perhaps I'll be able to leave when I'm done without having to explain what happened earlier.

I spoke too soon.  Rowena smiles, draws a breath, and asks, "So how was your first day of training?"

Cas spares me a nervous glance.  We might be able to skirt around the subject of the fight if we're careful.  I wouldn't put it past Rowena to skin me alive if she finds out what I did.

"It was good,"  I reply, hoping nobody notices the slight tremor in my voice.  "We learned how to start a fire and make some basic snare traps."

"Anything else?"  Bobby inquires, his unreadable stare fixated on me and me alone.  His tone is dangerously steady.

He knows.  He must know.

I try to brush it off and play it cool.  He hasn't said anything about it yet.  "Cas passed the edible plants and insects quiz with flying colors."

Rowena seems pleased with our accomplishments.  She gives us a dainty clap and tells us to keep up the great work, all the while our two stylists simply nod in agreement.  Bobby is the only one who's acting skeptical, and I'm afraid he's going to blurt it out any second now.  I don't like the glint in his eyes.

Relief floods through me, though, when our mentor finally nods his head and returns his attention to his plate of food.  Maybe he doesn't know.  Maybe I panicked over nothing, and—

"I heard you got into a fight today, Dean."

No, I definitely panicked over something.  Fantastic.

With the appalled expression on Rowena's face, you'd think I murdered her dog and left it to rot in her backyard.  Bobby is back to staring at me with that frustratingly indecipherable face.  Cas has stiffened, shrinking down into his shoulders as suffocating silence falls over the table.  Part of me almost thinks Crowley and Meg look impressed but are keeping their expressions neutral to avoid a scolding.  I see my new reputation has not been limited to the training gymnasium, but has indeed followed me up to the safety of our apartment.  Wonderful.

Everyone is silent, staring, waiting for an answer or explanation from me.  I can't help but feel like I'm on trial.

"The other boy started it,"  I mutter.  I hope no one can hear my heart beating out of my chest.  "He was pushing Cas around, and it just made me mad."

I see Cas looking at me out of the corner of his eye.  We still haven't discussed what happened at length.

"Young man, I cannot believe you got into a fight on your first day of training!"  Rowena rebukes.

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