Reuniting With Jiro

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After the beat down with Bakugo and threatening the students ant teacher Y/n walked back to his home he heard laughter coming from an alleyway not caring he sighed with anger and walked forward away from the noise the thugs were making to a girl they cornered and pinned to the wall

Thug:Hey baby why don't ya have some fun with us?

Thug 2:Yeah it can be a hell of a good tine

Girl:Not interested piss off

Y/n's eyes widened when he heard the girls voice it sounded familiar he took a good look at the girl the thugs were harassing she had dark purple hair and triangular onyx eyes she wore a black jacket and jeans with a red shirt


The thugs stop laughing and look at Y/n with a smug look

Thug:Beat it kid this show ain't for free

The girl looked at Y/n with curiosity until she saw the scars near his eyes her eyes widened


The thugs look back at the two and then burst into laughter while Y/n glared at them

Thug:Look at this two friends reunited isn't that cute?

The thugs keep laughing even harder until he hears a gun being cocked they look to see Y/n aiming his favorite pistol at the thugs their laughter is now replaced with shrieks and looks of fear

Y/n:I'd suggest you let her go if you want to live and trust me I don't miss

Thug:Y-You wouldn't dare

Y/n then suddenly vanished from everyone's view until he appeared right before the leader of the group as Y/n had the gun right up to the thugs face as Y/n glares at him with his lifeless eyes

Y/n:I said let. her. go.

Jiro looked at Y/n with surprise and shock with a small blush on her face while the thugs just about piss themselves out of fear

Y/n:You have five seconds to let her go before I pull the trigger and you meet my friend bullet

Thug 3:O-Okay man w-we'll let her g-go


He motions for the thug to release her with his gun he does so Jiro runs behind Y/n she smiles at him he scoffs in annoyance and looks back to them

Y/n:If I see anyone of you go after again I will shoot you

They all nod their heads as Y/n puts away his gun and grabs Jiro's hand causing her to blush

Y/n:We're leaving come on lets go


As the two walked away she looked at his scarred hand with guilt Y/n noticed this and sighed

Y/n:Jiro what happened to me isn't your fault we were in the wrong place at the wrong time


She was cut off by one of the thugs screaming his head off charging at them with a blade covered arm heading straight for Jiro she turns around to counter but a shadow shield forms around her saving her life the thug's face then turns pale

Y/n:You people don't listen to my warnings very well do you?

He then goes to grab his gun and aims it at his head ready to pull the trigger but Jiro grabs the gun pulling it away from his hand


Jiro:You can't kill anyone for my sake Y/n!

Y/n:Of course I can now give it to me

She shook her head and gave Y/n a stern glare he sighed in defeat and walked away but not before taking his gun back from Jiro and looking back to the thugs

Y/n:Be lucky she can talk me out of killing you otherwise I would have done it already and you would be dead

The thugs run away in fear screaming like girls Y/n growled as he clenched his fists in frustration but Jiro gently grabbed his hands he snaps out of his anger and looks at her smiling at him

Jiro:Y/n why don't we go and get something to eat?


Jiro smiled as Y/n smiled back slightly he patted her head and walked off

Jiro:W-Where are you going?

Y/n:To a good restaurant I know and I'm paying so eat whatever you want

Jiro:*Blushing* Y-You don't have to do that Y/n

Y/n:We're friends Jiro now come on or I'll leave you behind

She smirked and followed Y/n holding his hand

Jiro:You big softie

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