Comforting Words

859 15 11

After Nezu and Aizawa left Y/n was left to his own thoughts on one hand he was glad he was going to the hero course but..on the other hand...


  He then got up and heard thundering outside but he didn't care he wanted to see them as he walked down the road and managed to go to a cemetery where he saw two gravestones aside one another 

"F/n or known as Susanoo..Husband....A great Father...And a great hero...Rest in peace "

"M/n or known as Darkness....A great hero....A great mother...Rest in peace"

Y/n:Hey mom...hey dad...been a while...but I've been busy with school'll understand with how I haven't had the chance to see you both but I've been mostly hating myself right now I'm sure you would tell me on "how it wasn't my fault" or "There was nothing you could have done"...but...we all know who's to blame for your I was stronger..if I was more aware you both would still be alive...but I made it into U.A High...I bet you both are excited for me getting in....

Y/n's hair covered his eyes as his lower lip began trembling but he bit it to stop he clenched his fists in anger at the people who killed them...and at himself as the rain was pouring down on his head


Y/n snapped out of his rage to see Jiro in her clothing holding an umbrella in her hand

Jiro:I figured you might be here

Y/n said nothing as he looked back to the gravestones

Jiro:Why didn't you bring an umbrella? If you keep doing this I think you'll be the one who actually catches a cold

She lightly chuckled at her own joke hoping to get a small smile out of him but Y/n once again said nothing Jiro was now getting worried for her friend

Jiro:Y/n? Speak to me...

Y/n only growled in anger and slowly felt where his scars were near his eyes he walked to a tree as orange markings begin to surround his hands

Y/n:Damn it...I'M TOO DAMN WEAK!!!!!

As soon as he shouted those words his dark aura bursts out of his body and engulfed him he pulled his fist back and punched a hole in the tree destroying it entirely his fist trembled in rage making Jiro jump in fear slightly as Y/n knelt to the ground getting mud on his pants


He punches the ground





Jiro:Stop it





Jiro:Stop it...




She then ran towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug Y/n tried to shove her off but failed every attempt he looked closely as he saw tears streaming down her face

Jiro:You're not a freak! You're not useless! You are Y/n L/n the closest friend I've ever had so please stop beating yourself up over this!!!

Y/n looked at the girl crying in his back shirt the rain keeps hitting harder and harder on the two teens he looked up at the sky as small lightning is forming in the clouds

Y/n:Mother...father...are you crying as well?

Jiro:Don't listen to what others say about you even if the whole world will speak ill of you I'll defend you and tell them they're wrong

Y/n's eyes widen Jiro forces Y/n to turn and look at her as she smiles at him Y/n's E/c lifeless eyes stare at Jiro she keeps her smile

Jiro:How about we get out of this rain?

Y/n smiled slightly as he patted her head making her blush

Y/n:Thanks....I mean it....

Jiro nodded as she ran over to get her umbrella she brought it over to Y/n who was still on the ground he saw a shadow loom over him he looked up to see Jiro holding her umbrella keeping him dry from the rain he lightly smiled as he stood back up

Jiro:Will you be alright now?

Y/n:*Nods* Yeah...thanks

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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