Fighting A Sludge Villain

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After hanging out with Jiro for a few hours he walked her to her home

Jiro:Thank you for saving me Y/n

Y/n:It's the least I could do

She looked at him blushing even more

Y/n:You have a fever?

Jiro:N-No I-I don't

Y/n:I ain't buying it your face is all red and you're body's shaking slightly go rest up now

Jiro:I really don't have a fever I feel completely fine

Y/n looks at her for a few seconds as she lets out a long yawn she felt herself being picked up from the ground as she was now in the young boy's arms


Y/n:You don't feel well and you're tired so I'm taking you to your room

Jiro is about to protest but looks into his E/c lifeless eyes and sighs in defeat


Y/n lightly smiled and walked towards her door and knocked waiting for an answer

Jiro:My parents aren't home right now

Y/n looked at her and just reached for the door and opened it up

Y/n:You planned this didn't you?

Jiro shook her head while blushing Y/n just sighed and carried her up to her room and gently opened the door he then walked to her bed and placed her there

Y/n:Do you need anything before I go home?

Jiro:N-No I don't

Y/n smirked and began walking away but not before tucking her in gently and patter her head he then walked out of her room and went to the front door and closed it smiling to himself 

Y/n:Good grief

As Y/n walked down the city he heard an explosion he then ran to check it out he saw a weird looking sludge villain he saw Bakugo was being absorbed and looked terrified what caught Y/n by surprise was when he saw Midoriya running up towards the danger

Y/n:*Smirks* I'll be damned

The young teenager then activated his quirk as orange markings and a dark aura surrounded his body one of the civilians notices this and turns around

Civilian:Are you a hero?

Y/n glared at the person shutting him up as he jumped forward and landed into the alleyway next to Midoriya running beside him


Y/n:Yeah kid..seems you finally grew a pair now...lets kick this villains ass!!!


As the two of them ran to save their classmate one of the heroes Death Arms reaches his hand out



The two heroes looked shocked while Y/n's dark aura surrounded him as a shield was provided for Midoriya

Villain:Not this brat again!

Bakugo slowly opened his eyes to see Y/n and Midoriya running towards him

Y/n:Izuku got a plan?

Midoriya looked to him and nodded as he took out his backpack and hurled it towards the villain hitting him right in his eye the villain grunts in pain making some sludge let go of Bakugo as he gets some air back into his lungs Midoriya begins to claw away at the sludge with his bare hands

I'm There For You Kyoka Jiro X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora