Morning kisses

913 18 10

Oh look
my first ever story being published
yey I guess

This is shit
They are together in this
Could be around....20 I guess?
(I like to think they are near 14 in the show)

Freddy awakened that morning, he was ready to get up until he felt the weight on his chest. He looked down only to see a specific penguin. The flamingo gleamed at the sight before him, he couldn't deny that his boyfriend was precious. Freddy reckoned it was okay if he didn't wake him up. They didn't have a delivery until later after all. He just sat there fallen into his thoughts until Pip shifted his position, nuzzling into the flamingo's neck. The other giggled as he fastened his wings around him. Pip opened his eyes, his face warmed up instantly at the realization.

"Oh! Hey Fred-amingo"

He says to the other, obviously flustered. Freddy just giggles at his boyfriend's cuteness, giving him a little peck on the forehead. Deciding that wasn't enough, he began providing him little pecks all over his face. This had just made the penguin more flustered, he looked like a tomato by now.

"You're rather affectionate this morning, huh?"

Pip giggled. Freddy granted him another peck on the cheek before responding.

"Yeah, cause I love you"

Pip lent him a quick shy kiss on the cheek. Freddy leaned down, nuzzling him. Pip giggles at the sensation. The other stopped, raising his head up.

"I love you, Fred-amingo"

The penguin said. It was stifled, due to him huddling his now flustered face into his lover's neck once more. Freddy had a goofy grin forming on his face at the smaller one's words.

"I love you too, Pipster"

They decided to lay like that until it was time for their delivery.

that's pretty gay

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