This is shitty (wow an actual update)

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The two lovers we all know and love were there just sitting on their bed, they had just woken up. Freddy decided to scoot over to the other. Freddy successfully got his attention, giving him the chance to swipe the electronic from him.

"Freddy- Hey! And just what do you think you are you doing?"

He said playfully. The other sat the tablet like device down, giving him a peck on the beak

"How would you rate that, hm?"

"Eh, maybe a six"

Pip jokingly answered with a cheeky grin, Freddy pulled back slightly, pretending to be offended.

"*Scoff* Well I never! That was some of my best work!"

The other giggled at this, shoving the others face away.

"You're an idiot"

Freddy smiled at his achievement, he loved making Pip gleam, it was one of his favorite things.

"Well yes-"

The pink goofball started, pulling the small penguin close to him.

"But I'm your idiot~"

He stated with a sly grin. The other scoffed, rolling his eyes jokingly. He cuddled up next to the flamingo.

"Yes you are....and I wouldn't want it any other way."

And my friend said I had good writing, hah

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