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My mother woke me up, at six am sharp. Like every other Sunday, she woke everyone up at that time, and by then she was fully dressed and ready.

After she woke up Tony, she went downstairs and began to make breakfast.

    I made my way into my bathroom, did my business then went back into my room. I pulled out the stool and sat down at my vanity.

I plugged in my straightener and let it heat up. I sectioned my hair, brushed it, then straightened it I went over to my closet and pulled out a baby blue colored dress.

I unzipped it and slid it over my body. I zipped it back up, then looked myself in the mirror.

For church this dress was "inappropriate" my mom would say. It was fitted my body perfectly showing off my figure. I really hope she didn't make me change, no matter my age she doesn't care.

I went back over to my vanity and did my makeup. For church I didn't really go all out on makeup, just something simple and neutral.

When I was done it was already going on seven. I put my phone in my purse, grabbed my shoes, then headed downstairs.

"You're always the second to first done." She said as she saw me.

"I don't understand how." I said.

"You look so good." She said.

"Really? Though you were going to make me change." I said.

"Julie, you're grown now hunny. You are your own person. If you wanna be looking good as hell at church, you go for it. Never know when your going to be meeting your future husband." She said.

"Thank ma, so what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Pancakes, eggs, and coffee." She said.

I placed my shoes by the door and my purse onto the couch. I carefully ate my food, not trying to get any on my dress.

"Tony, Anthony, hurry up." My mom yelled.

Soon after, Tony came running down the stairs.

"Do I have time to eat?" He asked.

"Plenty of time, what is your father doing?" She asked him.

"Doing his hair." He said.

"Eat, and I'll be right back." She said going up the stairs.

"So anything exciting happen while I was gone?" I asked.

"Not really, no." He said.

"Dang." I said.

"Yeah." He said as he stuffed his mouth with food.

After I was done eating, I placed my plate in the sink, then went into the bathroom to check myself out.

I then headed back out and over to the door. I slipped on my heels and grabbed my bag.

Tony was done eating, now we were just waiting for my father.

"So where do you guys sit in church?" I asked.

"Mom and dad sit with Don and Carmela." Tony said.

"Where do you sit?" I asked.

"With Sonny." He said.

"Where do you guys sit?" I asked.

"In the back." He said.

"Of course you guys do." I said.

I prayed to God, Sonny did not get Tony involved in his criminal acts. I could really see it happening and I wouldn't be surprised.

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