Prolouge:The WHISPERRR

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This started as a joke between a friend and I and I thought it would be a amazing idea to make a fanfic outta it!~ I've never seen or read Harry Potter before so ummm..- yeaH- oh well hope you enjoy!~ btw I have like 0% skill writing fanfics so it's most likely gonna be trash 😍😍
So one day, you are walking through a forest. Quarantine sucks and staying inside for one more day will most likely drive you crazy and cause you to commit who knows what. So here you are, just casually walking through this forest. Such a normal thing to do on a beautiful normal day!!! But then... you hear something... "Y/N..... Y/N....." the strange thing calls out for you. "The fuck am I going insane or something?-" you thought as you remembered you were alone in a forest filled with wild animals, plants, and maybe the ghost of a cockroach you killed a couple minutes ago. "Y/N DONT BE SHY FOLLOW THE RANDOM VOICE CALLING OUT FOR YOU UWUWUWU" the hot sexy voice that is coming from the ground says.
'Geez don't have to be so mean smh 😫' You proceed to walk towards the sound, only to find... nothing? You sighed and was about to walk away before the ground started sucking you in. 'JDJFJEJDIDJEJEJ?!?' You thought as you shut your eyes tightly and hold your breath. 'Oh well, guess I'll die- FUCK WAIT I LEFT (Dog's Name) ALONE OH NO I CAN'T DIE YET WAIT PLEASEJDJEJERJ-' You then land on the hard dirt ground as your eyes slowly start to close and everything goes black.
HOLY FUCK THIS CHAPTER IS SO BAD IM GONNA CRY IM SORRY FOR YALL WHO WITNESSED AND READ THIS SHIT 😭😭 anywayYSSSS this fanfic might be like idk maybe 4-6 chapters long??? I won't mind getting some constructive critiscim. Even if this fanfic was made as a joke I'm crying inside just cause how bad it ended up. I might edit it in the future. Oh well, hope y'all have a good night/day!

Daddy Voldemort x Reader! | DISCONTINUED/BAD WRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now