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OMG YALL IM SORRY I FORGOT TO UPDATEJDNEFNDJ- I was busy making a new haikyuu discord server and was trying to figure out how Tf press the emoji to get the role thingies work 😔 THE FONT CHANGED WHAT DID I PRESJFJRJDSJ- Oh well anyways since I was so busy doing that and other stuff I forgot how many days have passed by one yeah- I'll make sure to post chapter 2 tommorrow!!! EDIT: Due to some problems that happened with me and my parents that I hate so much rn I will be postponing chapter 2. I honestly can't stand their homophobia and racism and today I was almost outed- and due to them waking me up early cause they were angry at me and wanted an explanation I'm only running on 2 hours of sleep. Goodbye for now, I wish you all a good day <3

Daddy Voldemort x Reader! | DISCONTINUED/BAD WRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now