Chapter 5: Investigations and Attacks

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Jurassic Park visitor center

After a while walking, Hunter 2-3, Owen, Danni, Barry, Olivia, Claire, her nephews and Zara came in view of a large door surrounded by huge plant-covered walls.

"Welcome to Jurassic Park." Cyd said before motioning her team to provide a 360-degree security circle.

Schaffer, Harrington and Marquette kneeled and aimed their rifles at the jungle while Cyd and her father breached the visitor center lobby. Aiming around them, they saw nothing and went into the place. Cyd motioned Barry, Olivia and Danny to take Zara, Claire and the Mitchell brothers somewhere safe while she and her father inspected the place. Owen then motioned to Hunter 2-3 to inspect the garage to see if the terrorists or their mercenary accomplices were there.

As the two groups inspected the area, Cyd and her father saw something as they turned their rifle-mounted flashlight on. Cyd saw a set of tables with dust on them. She also saw the shape of several weapons that were on these tabletops prior.

"Dad, that was their armory. They knew no one would expect them here." Cyd told her father.

With that said, the father and daughter kept on exploring the place. They then entered a restaurant, with a laptop and several blueprints on the tables.

As he flashed these items, Owen told his daughter, "They had all the blueprints and layout they needed for their op."

"Yeah, and I think they made a copy of these in this laptop." Cyd said as she checked for any booby trap. Fortunately, the laptop wasn't rigged with explosives, meaning Cyd could hack it without killing herself.

Cyd then turned the terrorists' laptop on and hacked it. She then put a USB port on the computer and started transfering all of the data into it, as she correctly thought the terrorists had their plan and blueprints on this laptop as well. There was also their plan in the data. The plan was simple: turn on the Quadtosaurus procedure, which was a four-pronged fail safe system to release the dinosaurs in the island should the park be evacuated, leave through the tunnels and disappear.

"Sick bastards. And these sons of bitches have been police officers and spec-ops members before. Which means they're highly trained and highly equiped. Not the typical terrorists I had to face in Afghanistan. They're led by Larry Reisner, ex-USAF, ex-Army-SF Julian Sands, ex-LAPD-SWAT Andy Salamanca, Vic Hoskins and Mike Antonis, meaning that Hoskins and Antonis gave them the layout of the whole park." Cyd said.

Owen turned to his daughter and saw the data. He understood the terrorists and InGen mercenaries' intentions: to use the dinosaurs as weapons of mass destruction, then use the images they filmed to cause riots or even civil wars all around the world so that men would kill each other.

Shocked by Reisner and Hoskins' sadistic and sinister plan, Owen muttered, "Motherfuckers. They will pay for that. And I mean, by being hung or shocked to death in a paradise named Guantanamo."

Once the download was finished, Cyd removed her USB port and put it in her pocket while Owen turned the computer off. The two of them then linked up with Barry's group and Hunter 2-3, who had something to say.

"None of these lunatics." Barry said.

Schaffer then announced, "Found a radio room. We could send a message from here."

"Yeah, good things. But now Claire doesn't have to explain anything about the Quadtosaurus procedure anymore. And the terrorists and InGen are planning to use the dinos as WMDs to exterminate people in the park and use the feeding shows as pretenses to cause riots or even civil wars where humans would kill each other." Cyd explained to everyone.

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