6-Deku's Secret

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Your a shit son and an even worse father

I feel a single tear trickle down my face, ''bathroom.'' I say monotonously as I get up and leave. I stand beyond the door and pull out my phone. ''Zuku?'' my mom says through the phone, I smile hearing her voice. ''Hey, just wanted to remind you and Harue that I love you both, where is he?'' I say softly. ''Harue!'' I hear her shout then quiet giggling.

''Hey papa! We miss you lots and lots.'' he says happily. ''Hey baby boy, I miss you too, so much but I'll see you on Saturday okay?'' I say, trying not to cry. ''Take care of Grandma for me? I love you baby~'' I say. ''I love you too!'' he says happily and I put down the phone, it's great just hearing his voice. ''Who you calling baby?'' I hear from the end of the corridor and I look to see Ojiro. ''J-just my boyfriend.'' I smile. He nods, ''are the girls having a movie night again?'' he asks, slightly annoyed. 

I nod, ''Heavens, it's all they do anymore.'' he says and chuckles a little. ''Join us, I'm the only dude and they all get emotional with the love scenes.'' I chuckle and he shakes his head. ''Just came to drop off some more sanitary products for the girls, Hagakure said they were running low so being the boyfriend I am.'' he smiles. ''That's sweet, you and Hagakure? Didn't know that was happening.''

''Yeah... we agreed to keep it on the DL (down low) until we knew exactly what was happening.'' he says and I nod, opening the door to let him in. Apparently, while I was gone, the movie had ended and in it's place, a pillow fight was taking place.

I check the time, ''I have to go, bye girls, Ojiro!'' I smile and run to my room.

Hey guys and welcome back to my show, I'm the Emerald Rapper here with another live Q and A. We have a question from... Insomnicat, I love the name. *chuckle* They ask, ''If something bad happens and you know you should tell someone but it isn't your secret to tell, should you?''... I think that you should speak to that person first... make sure they are comfortable with what you are sharing unless it is particularly bad for example, someone hurt them badly and they are scared to come out about it or if they are a villain or criminal.

I hope that helped, next question is from UltimateAllMightFanBoy, I love All Might too. They ask, 'I know this is for questions for other people... but I had to ask... are you okay? You often sound someone sad and your happy voice doesn't sound as real as it did when the show started.' the person speaking through the radio stutters slightly while reading, tears coming to their eyes. Thank you... truth is, I'm not really okay, I was recently diagnosed with insomnia and I went through something traumatic a while back that I'm being forced to talk about...

I will be okay though so don't worry about me. Next question is an anonymous user, they say... the person on the radio stops for a moment before talking again, quietly and broken. They say, ''Hey, I love your radio show, it was what I was listening to the night I tried to kill myself but then you began to talk about how you love us all and that you are the outlet we should go to if we need someone to talk to. You stopped me from killing myself and for that, I want to thank you and I speak for everyone you have helped with your radio show...'

Slight crying can be heard from over the radio before more speaking, I'm so glad you didn't do it, you would have regretted it for the rest of your life, I know I did because I realized how much my mother loved me and how even though I was bullied by the one person I ever truly loved, it would get better, and it did. I have this show which wouldn't be possible with out you and every other listener that bares my voice for hours every day.

I love you all and I wasn't gonna say anything yet but... how you would feel about a meet and greet, Japan only because that's where I live and I still go to school but it would be a while away so listeners from far away can save up or whatever. Email me your opinions and I'll see what I can do. Goodbye my listeners, please don't hurt yourselves, listen to some music or my weird voice if that helps you, or colour or write or watch something, a film or series or an anime. Read some manga or go out and make a friend or do volunteering, you can all make a valid change in this beautiful world, I love you all.

The radio cuts of and switches to another channel. ''DEKU!!!!'' I hear from down the hall. I open my door and I'm immediately greeted by Kachan looking really mad. He walks in and slams the door behind him before breaking down into tears, ''huh?''

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