8-Mental Health Evaluation

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My bright smile slowly fades and immediately disappears when I check the notification I just received.

Momma Midoriya - Harue is sick x He wants you and he won't stop crying xx

Small Might - I'm sorry momma, I'll come round later today at soonest. We have a mental health evaluation because the villain attacks really did a number on some of us and the teachers haven't failed to notice.

Momma Midoriya - Told him you'll be over tomorrow, he's a little happier but still crying. 

Momma Midoriya sent a voice recording

I walk away from the others and play it.

''Hey papa, I love you lots and I *cough* can't wait to see you.'' I hear in a raspy voice but clearly a child's, Harue's more specifically.

I smile a little hearing his voice. I record a message because Harue still can't read when it's the rules of oo and ou etc.

''I love you too baby, get better soon, I'll see you soon okay sweetheart?'' I say softly into the microphone. I get a kissy emoji back so I send the same and turn of my phone, walking back to the others.

''Can I go first? My mother needs me at home.'' I say sheepishly. ''It depends on your results Midoriya.'' Aizawa says. ''Well can I go now and come back later on, my mom needs me home.'' I ask and he shakes his head, ''We can't be sure you'll come back.'' I groan at his response and storm over to the couch. I plop down and once I'm sure I'm alone, I facetime my mother. She is sat with Harue in her arms. ''Hey baby, hey Ma.'' I say happily but you can tell I'm angry.

''What's wrong Izuku?'' My mother asks as Harue lets out a groan, clutching his stomach. He heaves a little before vomiting into a bowl. I give a small 'ew' in disgust before explaining. ''Depending on the results of the psych eval, I may not be able to go home and I can't leave before hand because they can't be sure I'll come back.'' I say bluntly.

Mother lets out a sigh before Harue starts crying loudly. ''Harue, it's okay, I'll come over tomorrow remember?'' I smile and his sobbing gets a little quieter but still audible. ''Hey, you're okay sweetie, papa's here.'' I smile and he nods. ''I have to go now, I love you lots and lots like jelly tots.'' I smile and he chuckles a little.

I end the call and head back into the kitchen, the whole class is their. Aizawa leads us to homeroom before explaining what's happening. No one dared leave, Aizawa was pretty stern when he said that there would be consequences if we ran or refused.

A few people came back crying but most people were happy to find they were perfectly healthy, both mentally and physically. I'm pretty sure Kaminari had depression and dyslexia and Uraraka had an eating disorder, guilt because her parents can only just afford to eat and she has lots of food whenever she wants it. Todoroki had PTSD from his... childhood trauma and Bakugo, to no surprise had anger issues and something else that MR Aizawa said was private which obviously meant people were speculating, someone even suggested an STD. That was about it, it's my turn to get my results, I was last to go. 

''ADHD. PTSD. Insomnia.'' he speaks someone slowly as he reads through my list. ''Anxiety... and depression.'' he says, his face is full of concern and mine, probably dread. I definitely won't be allowed home today. ''I know you wanted to go home... and this may be stupid but, I think you should. Keeping you here won't help you sleep or stop worrying or make you feel any happier and I'm sure your sweet mother can help you better than we can, come back whenever you want.'' he says.

I beam a bright smile and message my mother. 

Small Might - I'm not coming home, the psych eval went awful.

Momma Midoriya - it went awful? exactly how awful?

Small Might - well.... ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, anxiety and depression

Momma Midoriya - Oh lord! Pray to the high heavens, why so bad?

Small Might - I don't wanna tell you over text...

Momma Midoriya - okay sweetheart but we need to talk when you're allowed home. Harue says he loves you, still crying though...

Small Might - I love you both to the moon and back and round again :)

Small Might logged off

''Midobro? Are you okay?'' Kirishima asks making me jump, I move away from him and into the wall beside me, rubbing my head that I accidentally smacked against the wall. ''Ah! Sorry bro!'' he shouts, stepping back. I help myself up, ''It's okay Kirishima, really.'' I say politely and he nods. I smile weakly, everyone looks so concerned, ugh.

They just feel sorry for you...

That quirk of yours is also useless too

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