Chapter 1: Christine's Debut

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Louise's POV

"Louise, hurry. We're gonna miss rehearsal." This voice belonged to my best friend Juliette Giry. She's the niece of the ballet instructor here, Madame Giry who for me is like the mother I never had. My birth mother died when I was a toddler. My father died when I was a small child, and my sister and I were taken here to live in the dormitories. By "here" I mean the Opera Populaire.

"I know Jules," I said tying the last ribbons on my shoes. "I'm coming." Jules was the nickname I gave her when we were kids, and it stuck ever since.

We got to rehearsal just in time, and I saw my younger sister Christine smiling at me, with Meg, Jules's cousin, and Madame Giry's daughter standing next to her.

We were rehearsing for Hannibal. Jules and I took our places. Personally I hated my costume, but I love to dance, so that made up for it.

Carlotta was singing, and I tried hard to focus on my dancing. Her voice was a "heach-ache making factory" as Jules would put it. 

Soon enough our manager Leferve entered the place, with two men behind him.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen...Rehearsals are under way for a new production of Chalumeau's Hannibal," Lefereve said.

"Monsieur Leferve, I am rehearsing" Monsieur Reyer complained.

"Monsieur Reyer, Madame Giry, ladies and gentleman please, may I have your attention," Leferve said. Everyone stopped what they were doing. "As you know, there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that were all true, and it is my pleasure to introduce the two men who now own the Opera Populaire...Monsieur Richard Firmin and Gilles Andre." The two gentlemen behind Leferve had to be the new owners. I had heard the rumors myself, and in some ways was glad. Maybe some of the problems in this opera house could be cleared up now that Leferve was leaving. "I'm sure you have read of recent fortune in the junk business," Leferve added. 

"Scrap Metal actually," one of the men said.

"And we are honored to our new patron. The Victomte de Chagny." I then saw another man nearby. Tall, with blue eyes, and shoulder length light brown hair. I gasped.

"It's Raoul," I heard Christine whisper. It seemed she recognized him to.

Raoul De Chagny was a childhood of Christine and I. He and my little sister had a sort of love relationship that was always a little silly to me. I ended feeling like the third wheel though. Not that I minded. In those days I spent more time with my father, listening to his music, hearing his stories, and making music of my own, rather spending time with other children.

"Before my father died, at the house  by the sea...I guess  you say we were childhood sweethearts. He called me little Lotte," Christine said to Meg.

"Did he call you anything Louise?" Meg asked.

I shook my head.

"I don't like nicknames," I said. 

"My parents and I are honored to support all the arts," Raoul said. "Especially the world-renowned Opera Populaire." Raoul was introduced to Carlotta, and our lead tenor Piangi. Soon after that he departed.

"He wouldn't recognize me," Christine said sadly.

"He didn't see you," I pointed out. I doubted he would recognize me. When I was younger I looked somewhat different from the way I did then. My hair was neater, and my face was much younger looking. Happier.

Now, my face had grown colder, my dark eyes lacking the sparkle they once possessed. My dark brown hair was a beast that hated to be tamed, and I barely managed to keep it neat enough to tie back in a bun.

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