part 1

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"demons have a soul?" I asked out loud between the men shouting
"Enough human blood and being almost cured would" Dean said looking down at me
I started laughing, I knew my world is messed up but with selling my soul and finding out that I was linked with a demon took the cake. They looked at me like I was crazy. I was laughing and crying at the same time.
"Denice?" I heard my mother voice behind me.
I looked back at her, "mom?" I asked confused as why she here.
"I came here to see if this was all true" she said throwing a bag down. age and stressed took a toll on her and this won't help.
"Yes, I sold my soul for Ben" I confessed. Dean face looked at me with a softer face. Two days I didn't tell the men why I did what I did.
"It wasn't worth it ." Mom said walking closer tears running down her cheek.
"He has longer to live now." I said
"Baby , the cost is your soul. Your soul. It's not yours to give anyways. It's Gods. I seen the people who have done this. They all regret it in the end."
"Wait how do you know?" Sam asked stepping closer
" I grew up hunting. I tried saving people from the same deal many times. Hell I even thought about it when Ben first got sick. Once I gotten married and had a kid I gave up the life. My brother still hunts."
"Wait what?" I asked shocked standing up
" Your friends parents are old hunters. Why do you think we are all close. Your father wanted me out and I did too. "
I sat down. I can't believe this
" My father was a men of letters, he was allowed to step back to be with us. My mom gave him a choice men of letters or us. He was shamed by marrying your grandmother. He became a hunter in spite of them. We kept it a secret because we decided to give you and your brother a chance to be normal."
" Your father was a men of letters?" Dean asked
"Yes. He left before the slaughter. He tried to come back but was warned to go before he was next. He told me this before he died. He wanted the men of letters to die with him." My mom said
"Mom I did what I had to for my brother any one would do the same."
"For someone so smart you do the dumbest things" my mom said getting closer to me. Her attention was on me alone. Like the others wasn't in the room.
"We have the demon downstairs." I said taking the attention away from me.
"We can make him take the contract and shove it. "my mom said turning to leave
" Where you going?" I asked
" to get my tools. "she said leaving
"She can't hurt him, if she hurts him -she hurt me. And I'm human. It kill me and she never forgive herself." I pleaded to the men.
Dean sighed and followed her. Sam sat down at the table.
"I have and I tried"
" What?" I asked
" Trust me, we been where you are at."
"He couldn't make another round of chemo. My parents were working two jobs each to support him and I did what I could even with school." I confessed
Sam nodded and left. I went to my room . After surviving demons sent by a knight of hell I was stuck here. I kept walking I past my room. I stopped and headed downstairs. I heard movement.
"Hello darling"
I didn't say anything. To be honest I was still scared. He still frighten me even know.
"something your tongue?"
"They are about to finish up the torture, free me from my contract and you never see me again." I finally chocked out
I took out the blade the angel they gave me.
"Going to kill me?" He asked
"No" I said rolling up my sleeve
I held the blade to my skin. I cut away from major arteries.
He began hissing and moving around like he was in pain.
" Feel it don't you?" I asked stopping. I walked over closer to him.
I grabbed his arm and rolled the sleeve of his suit up. Exposing the wounds.
"Your a witch?"
"No I'm just a human. My soul that I signed away is connected to yours. Well the little you have. Apparently you have a taste for human blood. "I said holding my arm out
He went to grab it and I pulled away.
"No dice"
"So if I get hurt you are also hurt?" he asked raising his eyebrow
"Yes" I said backing away and went to my upper arm and began slicing. It hurt, I pushed the pain as I heard him scream.
I pulled away. "break it and I personally let you out and give you a taste." I said moving closer
I knew how junkies worked.
He smiled. "trying to make a deal with me, darling?"
"Might as well call me Obi-Wan Kenobi cause I have the higher ground in this situation." I joked trying to let him know where he was at
"Sorry darling the answer still no"
" I heard about you, just some crossroads demon that watched as his master was killed to open the gate for Lucifer and begged the Winchester on his knees to kill his new master so he can become the king." I said sitting down across from him
He laughed. " Is that what those boys told you?"
" No some demons when they came after me with some ginger bitch." I said laying back in the chair
His expression changed.
"Why they came after you?"
"Maybe I need to cut a little deeper for you to get the picture." I said holding the blade over my heart.
He nodded and smiled," I knew you was different from the others. Once your in hell darling I could use you "
"Last chance freak." I warned about to push a little deeper
" Denice!" I heard my mom calling my name from upstairs
I quickly pulled the blade away and tried to hide my cuts. I couldn't say anything and walked past her upstairs.
Sam was sitting at the tables talking.
I walked closer and Sam looked at me.
"What happened?" He said shooting up from his chair
" I tried my way." I said going to the kitchen heading to my room.
I fell on the bed and I began crying. I was so stupid. My life is what it is now. I heard a knock and the door opened. I figured it was my mom, I looked up. It was Dean.
"You going to tell me how your disappointed as well?"
He shook his head." Sam didn't tell you?"
" My family has a history of selling our souls too."
"My mom kept a huge secret from me, yet she disappointed in me. My brother going to live but I'm still the bad guy."
"She has her reasons, like you have yours."
"Is that all?" I asked getting up
"Is it?" He asked
"I think you need to leave"
"Don't like Me?" He asked folding his arms.
"No, I just like watching you leave so I can see that nice ass of yours." I joked
He smiled.
"But I guess I take that nice smile as well." I said making him laugh
He left and I wolf whistle to mess with him.
I heard laughter and I smelled my mom's cooking.
I carefully walked out to dean joking with Sam
They didn't even notice me. I walked to the kitchen. My mom was cooking.
" Glad your fixed up"
"How?" I asked shocked she knew it was me.
" In this life you had to learn how to keep on your toes."
"I wanna be a hunter" I announced making her turn around
"Is that how you wanna spend your time that you have left?" She asked
"Might as well."
"I won't be here to teach you now, I'm the only parent at home." She said bring up my dad leaving her a week ago.
"How you dealing?"
"Better, before I learned my daughter sold her soul. We are adapters,Denice. We have been through worse. You have blood of hunters in your veins all the past the Mayflower days. "
"That old?"
" Older we wasn't hunting vampires on it but our bloodline fought all the way to Columbus. My father was in other more secret societies."
"Why stop now?" I asked
" I was tired, your father gave me a choice. I will always choose my children over anything else."
" I could have a choice"
" You needed stability and a happy childhood." She said putting food on four plates.
"What did you learn about Crowley?"
" Nothing much other than I couldn't hurt him and he took great pride in that. He is a demon. What he can take can kill you not him." She said putting the food on the serving table.
"Grab the silverware and beer." She said walking out.
After the thanks and the food was passed out. i had to watch Dean orgasming over my mom's food. I felt uncomfortable.
"That's something I didn't need to see."
" Hush, it's nice that someone likes my food." My mom said smiling
We talked my mom told more stories about my grandfather and my brother. Who is being watched by my uncle.
We joked and had a nice moment. Sam left .It was Dean and my mom along with me.
"So remember vampires don't sparkle and dead men's blood and anything to cut their head off will work. "my mom said
Dean wasn't paying attention. He was on the laptop.
" I give some of my old stuff. Remember hold your head up and research is your best friend. Be careful. Studying is key."
" I fake some badges that you need and I teach you to steal a car."
"Why a car?"
"What about a car?" Dean asked
"Denice going to be a hunter."
"What?" he asked shocked
"She a fast learner and Dean it's her choice."
"What about the knight of hell on your heels?"
"Seems to me, she on yours too and I have demon as a safety net cause I figure if I die he will too. So .."
"Do you even know how to shoot a gun?"
" I lived in the rural south, hunting is tradition behind football." I joked
They began arguing
" Dean, this is her choice. Woman don't like to be told no ."
" We ain't babysitting her."
" I'm twenty three, I can handle My own. Plus I got ten years to live I rather make it pleasant and if I die your problem down in the basement goes."
" Dean I'm not asking plus Sam doesn't look like he can handle it much longer." I brought up, I knew something was wrong, he looked tired.
" Fine but what I say goes."
"Deal but no putting on me the sidelines. if I go I'm all in plus you need the help."
he went to say something but he nodded.
"Thank you Dean."
He smiled
"It's always another treat to see that smile." I flirted getting up leaving.
I passed Kevin room he was knocked out. We haven't talked much cause he was always rambling on and he looked like what I would think shooting red bull into your veins looked like
I stopped going to my room. I was tired but I saw Sam walking past me.
"Hey Sam."
He kept walking and he didn't say anything -weird.
I shrugged it off. I opened my door and laid down.
I awoke to a knock.
"Come in"
It was Sam.
" Hey Sam."
" Dean told me. your now a hunter. We have a case wanna come ?"
"Hell yeah, what do I pack?"
"Clothes. your mom left a few things in a pack you need." He said
"Sam are you alright?" I asked
" Yeah, why?"
" You look...tired." I said standing up
"I'm alright thanks." He left.
I packed a small bag and went out to my mom in the main area.
"Here the things. I got to go back safe and listen to dean." She said hugging me
I grabbed the bags and walked to the garage with Sam.
I climbed in the back. I watched as we took off.
"We meeting a friend, she nice. She needs help on a case."
"Okay what's her name."
"Jody mills."
We talked for awhile until we came to a hotel. We all climbed out and a woman with short hair hugged the guys.
"And you are?" She asked smiling
"Denice, nice to meet you" I smiled back shaking her hand
" How you know the guys?"
"Saved my life "
They talked about the case. They all went to the same church.
They left me with Jody to go talk to some people.
"What would take church goers demons?" I asked
They came back.
" Let's go and check out the church."
After a short drive and they guys lying thought their teeth. They finally asked the main question.
" Virginity pact?" I asked
" Being born again means your now a virgin."
" Like an undo button?" Dean asked
I kicked him. I signed and gave it to her.
We left talking about returning to the group. i sat in silence.
"You don't have a problem signing it?" Sam asked as Dean went to go get food
" I'm a virgin Sam. I was raised in the south keeping it was important in my church." I confessed
"Wait what?"
" I also kept it as a personal choice for the right guy. I didn't just keep the faith. Don't tell Dean he get all excited." I explained
Sam laughed, "I won't."
Dean came back and we went back to the hotel. I sat down and wonder if they were taking because they were virgins.
"What would take virgins?"
" Dragons" Dean said in-between bites
"Do you think we have a dragon problem?" Jody
Sam nodded
We ate and looked up some more stuff until we left to go to the meeting
I sat down. With them talking I realized there was only two real virgins here. Me and the chick from earlier.
"About you Denice?"
" Yes."
" I grew up southern Baptist, it was hard to always do the right thing and I knew God would have my back. And sometimes I know I'm human and I have urges like any one else but it's about controlling those urges" I said
Everyone clapped and the meeting was over I decide to wonder around.
" That was so wonderful." A guy said
"Thanks,listen I heard a rumor about the people that were taking"
" Oh yeah they weren't serious as others here but they tried."
" They broke the vow?"
"That's what I heard."
I nodded and walked to Sam. we walked out Dean left us to go with the lady that was the leader of the group.
Once at the hotel room Sam and Jody was having a discussion about it. She seemed sweet she reminded me of my mom.
"They all broke their vows." I said flipping throw a book.
"What would take people who broke vows?" Sam asked
Sam typed and l grabbed my phone and text my mom how I was doing.
" It's a goddess." I heard
Sam began calling dean.
"How we kill it?" I asked
"A stake with virgin blood."
"Christ, alright how we going to do it?" I asked
"Your a virgin?"
" Thanks for the compliment."
I carefully cut my hand and let it draped over a stake. I carefully wrapped it up and followed their lead.
We went to Go get Dean at Suzy apartment.
Nobody was there and I saw a DVD on the nightstand.
"Holy crap I thought I knew her from somewhere!" I yelled handing the DVD to Sam.
He raised his eyebrow and laughed
"Well Dean crossed someone off his bucket list "
"Lucky" I said under my breathe
They both stared at me.
"What!?" I asked
They didn't say anything we went back to the hotel room and began looking at maps.
" A goddess taking people cause they broke a vow even though they weren't real virgins in the first place" I said looking at the maps.
A farm was a good start.
We headed out.
"Sam you look tired are you sure your okay?"
I said in the car
"I'm okay thanks" he said
Once at the farm we knew the sewers was a best place to keep people.
We climbed down.
"Stand behind me" Jody said to me
I nodded
I kept watch from behind. Nothing. After a short walk we heard voices
I gripped the oak tighter.
Three against a God seems like a good match I joked to myself.
I felt someone grab me and throw me across the room.
My head hit pretty hard against the wall.
I knew I let the stake go in shock. I tried getting up. My vision was blurry and my legs felt like noodles.
I heard my name and I closed my eyes
I heard movement.
I knew I couldn't die on my first hunt. I opened my eyes saw the crazy lady from the meeting on Sam.
I also saw Jody.
I moved closer to the stake and handed it to her.
Then Jody quickly stabbed her.
I fell back. Since I left I haven't been feeling well and I thought it was my nerves and now I was feeling like I was getting Sicker. Jody helped me up.
"You okay?" She asked hugging me
" Just got hit my head, I will be fine." I shrugged hugging back.
I lived and bad guy is dead
We helped everyone out and we made it out
" You okay?" Dean asked as I was being over.
I felt pain in my chest and stomach.
I went to say something and vomit came out.
I grabbed his hand for balance
Once done I rose up.
" Sorry never saw a person well thing get stabbed and killed" I said wiping my mouth
" It's okay first time you get used to it, you sure you wanna hunt?" He asked again
"Yes according to my mom it in my blood."
He smiled and we took Jody to the hospital.
On the car ride there I wiped my mouth-Blood.
I wanted to freak out but I knew I will be sent back to the bunker. The pain in my chest stayed. I hated hospitals all my life Ben was always in them and we never got good news. I waited outside with Dean.
"Dean will you tell me the truth?" I asked
" Of course" he said looking at me
"What's wrong with Sam?"
"You said you tell me the truth " I reminded him
After what he told me, I began rethinking wanting to know the truth.
"Dean you need to tell him. secrets are not good. He needs to know what's in him." I warned
"He needs to get better." I said laying down.
I coughed and I covered my hand. I looked at the blood on my palm. i quickly hid it.
We said our good byes and Jody kissed me on the cheek.
"Stay safe"
" You too."
I listen as they talked I went with Dean and kept silent. Especially he could tell me to go back home. I felt horrible as the hours passed. Once at the bunker all the pain left
I walked in carrying my pack.
Kevin was reading and I walked by. I couldn't understand why I'm now feeling better.
I threw my stuff in my room.
"Denice!" I heard yelling
I quickly ran out.
To dean holding a phone out.
I grabbed it. It was my mom. An sos and coordinates.
I grabbed Sam's laptop and searched them out. They were in Alabama.
"How long to get there ?" I asked
" A couple hours." Dean said
I grabbed my bag and ran to the car .
It was just Dean.
"Let him rest let's go" I slid in next to him.
I felt the pain in my chest again as we hit the road.
I sucked it up. I closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep more than an hour.
Dean was all over the road.
"Dean, let me drive your sleepy"
" I'm good."
" Dean I won't hurt your baby but you will when we wreck." I warned
He nodded and pulled over. We swapped sides. It felt wrong put I pulled out as he laid back. I turned the radio off. My body was hurting all over. I felt like I was hit with sledge hammer. We were close by my phone. After the sun was up and Dean finally awoke after a five hour nap we swapped back and I laid back but I couldn't get comfortable with my body pain. we pulled over. Dean turned to me.
" Pee break."
I nodded and got out .I bend over in pain. I grabbed my chest and started breathing heavy.
I coughed some more and blood came out I wiped it and pulled myself together. My family needed me. Once over the Alabama border we kept going no stops. We drove for another two hours as I notice A building covered in drawings.
"To keep demons out." Dean said getting out.
I grabbed the pistol and I had it ready walking in. I saw my mom and brother tied up in a chair.
I quickly ran to my brother when Dean pulled me back.
I looked at him and he looked around.
Some dude came walking out
"Winchester" he said
His eyes were normal.
"Your a demon?"
He chuckled and he smiled. His teeth.
"Why do you have my family?" I asked
The man pulled the gag off my mom.
"Tell them "
" Before you was born I raided a nest "
"She killed my family. My son and daughter." He said putting the gag back on her
"Let me guess they were monsters like yourself." I said
Dean tried pushing me behind him.
"See I never thought why you humans even tried to kill us." He said as we was dragged back by two other vampires.
I struggled.
I tried to get free. I was weak.
The man walked to my mom and ungagged her again.
"Your going to watch as I feast on your children." He said dragging the chair and my mom away from Ben.
Ben started crying.
I kicked the vampire that had dean. he quickly produced a blade and sliced his head off along with the one that had me. I grabbed the gun and shot twice in his heart. I knew it wouldn't do anything but put his attention to us. He started walking to us and Dean went to cut him and he picked him by his arms and threw him over his shoulder. dean dropped the machete and I went to grab it and the vampire grabbed me by throat.
I kicked and went flying.
My mom broke free and untied Ben. As he finally was cut free. The vampire bend down and grabbed Dean's gun.
"Now where are you going?" He asked turning around pointing the gun at my mom. She put Ben behind her.
I stood up and grabbed the dropped machete on the ground and swinged it. His head came off with ease. His body dropped and blood went everywhere.
I dropped the machete and hugged them.ben was freaking out.we walked out and my mom grabbed her supplies and set the building in flames.

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