how we meet

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"Janice?" I called out walking into her room
"Dee get a dress, come out with me tonight!" I heard from the bathroom
I rolled my eyes and opened her closet door. We were graduating in a couple days and I had my pin ceremony in a couple days.I pulled out a black skirt and red blouse.
"I will come long as I can borrow your good shoes." I said unbuttoning my pants.
"Fine long as you come.we did it girl,four years and now we now fully on our own!" She screamed hugging me.
I rolled my eyes and hugged her back.
"We did."
I finished up getting ready putting my hair into a nice bun.
"Hell no, let it down girl!' she said grabbing my waist
I undid it and brushed it out. My black hair began bouncing up.We headed out to the bar. It was way away from campus bars.
"Janice?" I asked looking over at her as she parked
She turned towards me and smiled.
"We need to expand our horizon and try new things " she said as we got out.
We stopped at the door and walked in.
"Plus you need to party you have so much on your plate" Janice said
We ordered some beer and began drinking looking around.I watched as Janice was talking to some men and I looked at my phone.I was bored.
I paid and tipped the bartender and walked out .It was cold. I walked around and noticed we was at a crossroads. I kept thinking about the singer. Janice walked behind me
"Finally let's go home." I said without turning around
I turned around and smiled. "Your perfume."
She smiled.
"Hey I was talking to some people and they told me about something- like a myth."
She began explaining on how a person could sell their soul for their heart desires.
"I don't know, I was raised -"
"Your brother can live cancer free"Janice said
I thought for a minute.
"What's the catch?"
"I don't know, it's a myth but you wanna try to see. If nothing happens we wake up and laugh it off in the morning. If  something happens your brother lives." She explained holding my hand

I nodded.She got a small box and a few things.
"Give me your driver license." She ordered.
I handed it to her. We walked to the middle and buried it. I stood up after I finished it.I looked back at Janice.
"Hello darling" I heard a British accent behind me
I turned around and it was a man in a black suit
"Hi." I whispered
"What can I help you with?"
"Selling my soul?' I asked
"I figured that."
"What are you?"
"A demon. You never heard about selling your soul?" He asked tucking his cell phone away into his suit.
"I was sheltered. Plus I was raised in the church." I said looking at the short man.
" Alright let's get this going I do have other things to do."
"I want to sell my soul to get my brother better, no cancer. He gets to live. " I explained
"For your soul?"
I thought for a minute. I closed my eyes and reopened them, "yes."
"Gotta kiss to seal the deal, darling." He said
"What is your name ?" I asked before I walked closer
"To know who I sold my soul to" I answered
"Alright mr.crowley" 
He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.After a while we broke apart.
"See you in ten years darling."
Then he was gone.
I turned towards Janice. She was gone.
I took out my phone and called her.No answer.I went to her car and drove home with the extra key she kept under her seat.I arrived home and headed inside our apartment. I awoke to my phone ringing. I answered.
"Denice?" My mom voice fully woke me up
"Mom,what's wrong?"
"We at the hospital, your brother out of bed."
"Out of bed?"
"They running some test."
"Call me later." I answered.
I hanged up my phone. I kept thinking of last night. I called Janice,no answer.
A few days later graduation came and went and Janice finally showed up. Her excuse was she went off with  some guy.
My mom showed up and finally gave me news we waited for a long time. Ben was finally cancer free. He was in perfect health.Dad was watching him and uncle John was off on a job.I started my first day at the hospital and was excited.
A few months later. I was getting my clothes out of the hamper when I heard a knock.
I opened my door and it was two guys.
" Hello?"
"Denice?" The blonde guy asked
They looked sketchy.
"Sorry, just missed her. My name carlee. Her roommate."
"Do you know where we can find her?"
"Yes. She works at st.vincents.she probably about to go on lunch." I lied looking at my watch
"Thank you "
I closed my door and quickly called Janice
"I be there in a minute."
"You helped me get into this mess. I'm scared." I said as I began packing a bag.
I packed my important papers and pitures.I walked out and locked up. I headed to a cafe by my apartment.I saw a car pull up. It was a classic  I knew that by the looks of it. I watched as two men got out. One was taller then the other. The other was kinda hot. Well they were both hot but the shorter one was on the rough and sexy side.
I watched as they walked in. I kept my head low.They walked past me,  and sat down next to me
"I don't know Dean, we got to handle Abaddon."
"The demon said to meet here."
My ears picked up.
They began talking and I carefully looked like I was reading.My phone ringed.
"So guys are going to help you. Name is Sam and Dean. Be in the look out."
"Classic car,one small one huge?" I asked quietly.
"Yes " janice answered
I hanged up.I stood up and walked over to them.The short one looked up and smiled
"How can I help you?" He asked
"Sam,Dean?" I asked trying to cover my blush
"Yes." The tall on said
" My name denice. I think your here for me."
I grabbed a chair and brought it to the table
" I was eaves dropping about a demon. I sold my soul to a crowley a few months ago." I confessed
"Why would they send us to you?" The tall one said
"Two Men showed up at my door.i believe my friend works for him cause I only called her."
"My name is Sam and his is dean.we are brothers."
After a while of talking and explaining everything.
We figured I wasnt safe.i finished up packing more stuff at my home and headed out. I called my mom explaining who I was with and she sounded strange.We arrived at a bunker.It was huge and amazing.Dean showed me my room.I began unpacking.I met Kevin but he was busy trying to read.I walked around looking at the cool stuff. I went down stairs. I heard muffling.I opened the door and I saw Crowley. Chained down.
He looked at me and smiled
"Hello darling"
I backed out and began running up to the war room where the guys were talking. Then Dean sat me down and went to explain what was happening.

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