Chapter 2

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                “Mom?” Gwen said as she entered the house. It felt empty and her voice echoed across the open stairs in the entry way. She mustn’t be here. Wondering, a walk around the house would give an answer. Going through the kitchen, living room, and dining room no site; possibly the upstairs? Gwen tip toed up the wooden stairs to miss the creaks in case her step-mom were around.

          Once up stairs, she popped in and out of every room to make sure it was clear. “Thank god.” She said exhaling while sitting on her bed. Looking to the left of her, she patted the bed comforter imaging a cute muscular man, one that would lean over to run his fingers through her hair and give gentle subtle kisses on her neck and lips. Aww. Gwen always thought of the shallowest and sweetest things. With a glimmer in her eye she knew just what to do. Picking her phone up, a call to her well known non-relationship friend would ease her hormones. Texting the man Mike, she asked if he could come over and rattle the bed.

          Changing into more attractive clothes and straitghing her hair, Gwen wanted to look presentable enough for Hugh Heffner. Even so Mike was just a so called “Buddy”, she wondered if one day they could be together and have a place called home.

          Soon enough, she heard the door open and footsteps reach the top of the stairs. Spinning around Gwen stood in front of the bed condom in hand smirking a devilish look with those gleaming green eyes. “Hello Mike” “Well I gotta say, you really out did yourself this time.” Mike said excited. He grabbed her at the waist cradling her lips with his. She could feel his strong powerful hands subdue her and with a small push a quick motion of her body reached the bed. He began tearing off clothes and soon enough stood naked in front of her. Gwen raging with her hormones crinkled her nose and toes, spreading her legs saying “take me any which way you want.”

          Mike left and she lay in bed with the covers over her smoking a cigarette. It is the only time she smoked. Seemingly it was if it prolonged her pleasure. “God, that was fantastic.” She said.

          Laying there felt good but not good enough. Wishing he could have stayed, Gwen just wanted more. At least a cuddle afterwards so it didn’t make it seem like such a fling. Hearing the house door open once again the thought of Mike coming up the stairs thrilled the emotions.

“Hello? Gwen you home?” It was only Rita her step-mom. “Yes! I’m up stairs!” “If that is smoke I smell, I’m gonna whoop you. No smoking means no smoking.” Rita stated. Gwen quickly threw the cigeratte out the window and sprayed perfume to scent the smell. “No mom I wasn’t smoking must be the neighbors or something.”

          She walked down the stairs to greet Rita. Rita being in her mid-fifties was still full of life and If you weren’t told, you’d guess she was at least 39. Flowing golden hair with bits of curls and tan skin, she was Gwen’s ideal thought of what men Rita’s age wanted.

          “You know before I came in, I saw that Mike character leave again. Are you two gonna tie the knot or just breed?”

“Mother its not like that, we are more like just friends.”

“Ha I heard that before, Johnny, Timmy, Ralph, Tom, and…well there were a lot. You need to learn control Gwen. That’s how you get a man. And that’s how me and your dad were hitched.”

Gwen doubting what Rita preached just shrugged it off. She thought about but how could she possibly be one of those girls. She wasn’t that easy. “You know mom, I am not like that. I guarantee you the next man I get with we won’t do anything together until we are both ready.”

“Yeah that sounds just like you. But both of us know this, the guys around her don’t see you like that. They see a good piece of ass with a quick way to get what they want.”

“Mom! It’s not like that. I am 31 and dammit I will do what I think is best. Soon enough I’ll meet some guy who really appreciates what I am and not see me…like what you describe.” Gwen almost fell to tears. What her mom just said utterly was too true.

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