Chapter 3

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The next day Gwen went for her daily jog. Or that’s what she called it. It was basically a jog/walk around the neighborhood in a skimpy two piece spandex jogging outfit. It was a delightfully mean way to get back at all the other women in the neighborhood. Her body just shouted out, Hey! I look damn good and even if you’re married, when your husband is masturbating, he’s defiantly thinking of me.

            Slowly making her way around a curve that led to two roads, Gwen stopped for a second to stretch her hamstrings. Bending over, she reached for her toes expressing it in an almost grunting way. Nearby an older man who was clipping his hedges took notice. Staring over Gwen caught his eye, “How are those hedges coming?” she said. Embarrassedly, he looked back at his hedges and began clipping. From their kitchen window was his wife’s face looking at both of them angrily.

            Walking it out on the sidewalk back to her mums house, a couple of older teenagers started to stare from across the house. Gwen smiling and leaning her head slightly knew they had to be at least seniors, if not close college kids.

            Stopping with her hands on hips, she looked back at them. Three gorgeous pure blood American studs, obviously jocks. Thinking carefully, she saw they tried not to look at her as she bent her stomach back and forth like her back needed a massage. “Hey boys, how you doing?” she said waving. They waited a moment looking at each other than preceded to walk across the street. The tallest one being a blonde and bulging with teenage muscles, spoke, “Not much just enjoying the weather and view…”

“Hahaha, quick to the cut, you boys really took a notice to me. How old are ya?” saying pointing at all of them. The tallest said 19 and the others were just 17. “Well,” she said, “I don’t have need for you two till 18, I don’t wanna be some news story. But you I can think of a few things.” The tall guy tapped one of the other guys shoulders to leave. Face flushing he said “What do you have in mind?” Smiling his hormones overtook his body, showing Gwen he could really do what she wanted.

            Gwen glancing around making sure the neighbors weren’t looking around, tugged at his shirt pulling him like a little puppy to her house.

            Once inside, she had him rip his shirt off and she began to feel his pecs, rubbing her hands all over his front. “God, I have to say, I’ve never seen a body like that. What are you a wrestler?” she said. “No, just your common hunk of a guy.” He said laughingly. Walking towards the living room couch she pushed him down to sit. Grabbing his jeans and un-doing the zipper, she pulled the jeans right down to his ankles uncovering his underwear to his bare naked body.

            His heart pounding an almost at a shake, his full erection got the feel of her wet tongue moving circling around his shaft. With his head up in the air staring at the ceiling, he felt so good, he couldn’t help but finish to soon.

            Gwen got up, “Well that was quick. But we can work on that,” winking, “your welcome to many more of those.” “Hey, umm by the way my name is Josh. You seem pretty nice. But our age…” he said. “If I was you I wouldn’t worry  about it. And I’m sure you know I’m Gwen. Let’s make plans to do more stuff together. I don’t know maybe a date?”

            Josh’s expression rose from happy to even more excite. He felt like this was it. Even though it was his first girlfriend, Josh felt a good connection.

            Leaving, and saying their good-byes, Gwen felt a sink and hook. Now that was the guy she was looking for. Who cares about age? It was only a 11 age difference. That’s nothing these days. Feeling like she was on top of the world, Gwen walked up stairs to already fit together outfits for their soon first date.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2012 ⏰

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