Chapter 2- great im stuck with death:(

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Hi guys sry that I haven't updated in awhile..... I was busy?? Well at the top is a pic of death, hot right?
Well let's just get to the story.
You know how people are always like "OMG did you know that when you died you like totally go to heaven or like burn in hell, yea it's like totally awesome." For some retarded reason I ended up in a room, A FREAKING ROOM!! And not one of those all white ones, but a stupid dark dungeon room, I mean seriously it looked like it came out of freaking game of thrones.

Wait. I'm dead. So that means that I can't watch Netflix anymore. NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!! How will I survive?...... Wait I'm already dead, but STILL!!!!!

While I was ranting in my head I didn't notice that someone had appeared in the room behind me.

" yes you are dead kitten" I heard

I quickly turned around and saw a gorgeous man standing there. He was about 6'1, which was tall compared to my small 5'3 height. He had short obsidian colored hair with clear cobalt eyes and defined cheekbones, pink plump lips and a 5'0clock shadow.

To say In least the man was angelic, but then I noticed the blood that covered his lips and chin. I started to back away slowly, but every time I would take a step back he would take one forward.

"Leave me alone, please" i whimpered.

" You see I can't do that" he said as a smirk crawled onto his lips.

"Why?" I said in fear

"Because you belong to me now Kat Parker" he said

And then he lunged.
Thank you so much for reading,
I hoped you love it like I do.



Xoxo Ian Somerhalder is Bae ;)

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