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Hi! I know everyone hates authors notes(rest assured, the feeling is mutual) My name is SneakABeer.(Well it's obviously not my real name) This is my first story/fanfiction, so I'm pretty new to all this. Things you should know for future chapters include: Some of the things I write about may or may not be dark, there will be funerals; so if that's going bring back trauma and whatnot; skip it. I'll post warnings. There may be blood in future chapters, there will be references to suicide, and I'll post whenever I'm available. I'll try not to neglect this story. Also for reference to all the young authors or new authors like myself, Wattpad's system sucks so starting on archiveofourown is easier. Enough on dissing Wattpad, I should probably mention this: I don't normally write about relationships and romantic stuff, but I will upon request. I'm open to any requests and will write about any relationship in this fandom(except Lydia + Barbara or Adam since I'm sorry, I just can't see that happening) Also, please do not ask for smut. I just can't do that. I may or may not do a "get to know the author" if requested or if anyone actually reads this. Anyway, I'll see you all later. Have a nice day, stay safe from COVID-19, help end police brutality and racism, and WASH YOUR HANDS FOR 30 SECONDS AFTER GOING OUTSIDE. 

- I'll see you on the next page, SneakABeer

Word Count: 234


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