Chapter 2: "Who are you?"

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(So I'm like only publishing this Becuz a friend of mine wants to read it. Hhhhh. Don't judge too harshly. And for an explanation, this is where it's actually like a story.)

Nyla's POV

My name is Nyla Jones.
I am 20 years old.
I have a boyfriend named Luca Goodrich.
I live in a small nowhere town in the middle of nowhere in England.

Those are the facts. My facts, to be precise. I wish it could be more exciting. I wish I could say I live outrageously. That I party all the time with my friends. But I don't. I'm quiet around strangers. Around anyone, really. But I have confidence! I swear I do! I kissed Luca after all! And now we're dating. Have been for four years.


Everyone in this town...hates me. So I don't let my confidence out. I bottle up and shove it away. I'm saving it.
For what exactly, I'm not sure. Something inside me tells me I'm gonna need it one of these days.
I sigh to myself, sitting my now cold tea down on my night stand. It's quiet outside. It always is where I live. Right by the edge of the woods. I can almost see the stars here. Luca loves that about my place. We sit outside and we gaze and talk for hours and hours. But he's working right now. A certain car's been giving him trouble at the shop.

I stand from my bed and walk to the glass doors, gently pushing them open. 'Hmm..I should repaint them soon...' I think quietly to myself. The white paint chipping with old age. I stand out on my balcony, gazing down at my garden. It's a stress relief, I suppose. The vegetables help with food, but the flowers are for fun. My favorite easily being the Violets.

They were my mother's favorite, too. I planted a whole bed full of them in her honor. She would've loved them...

Third Person POV

Nyla stares longingly at her violets, when a loud strange whirring sound fills the air.
She glances up whilst tilting her head. 'What in the world?' She thought to herself.
And suddenly, a large blue box come flying out of nowhere and crashes right into-

"MY VIOLETS!" She screeches. Her head is spinning with absolute confusion. She runs downstairs as fast as she can, bursting through her back door and staring at the box in shock.

It's a police box. A bright blue police box squashing her favorite purple violets. The door swings open violently. Nyla jumps in shock, more than slightly startled at the movement. And out tumbles a girl her age. She's about to tear that girl a new one for hurting her flowers, when she notices a nice, untouched patch of violets at the girl's feet. She's in the middle of mentally rejoicing when her hopes are squashed by the girl vomiting right into the delicate purple petals.

Nyla's POV

I stare at the girl with rage filled eyes. 'How dare she?! My flowers! My favorites!'
My next words come without me thinking. Without even meaning to, I sputter out,

"Who are you?"

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