Whats your problem?!

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So as we were riding in the car , I noticed that Jayy had a lot in common with me and Garrett. I was asking Jayy if he needed clothes and all he said was no, no ,no . Sooooo I decided to take Jayy to the mall for 'food'. As soon as we got to the mall, Garrett decided to throw a hissy fit about not going to Starbucks. So as soon as we got in the mall , Garrett dragged me to Starbucks and get a chocolate mocha. As soon as we were done we went to Hot Topic.
So after Garrett got his Starbucks, Dahvie took me to a dark, yet colorful store called "Hot Topic". I was in love. Once Dahvie told me 'not to let back' I wouldn't get anything so He was grabbing shirts,bracelets,pants,makeup,and what-not for me and he said ," If you don't go in there and get dressed and try stuff on I will have to go in there and dress you myself!!!" Oh god I couldn't imagine what would happen if dahvie touched me in 'places' if he just touched my hand an I felt a spark. As we got up to the register and paid we went to take Garrett home.

Taking in a stray JahvieWhere stories live. Discover now