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"Shit sorry Jayy I forgot that I only have 1 bedroom so you can either sleep with me or on the couch." Dahvie said. I started panicking in my brain. "what if I do?? What will he think?!" "What if I reject sleeping with him (the friendly way you pervs!!!) will he hate me?!" these question raced through my head as I was brought back to reality as I was hit in the head with a pillow . Dahvie screamed ," yoooo hoooo!!!" I just looked cunfuzzled ( yes cunfuzzled cun-fuzz-led a.k.a confused and puzzled ) anywhore ... I just stared at Dahvie and he said ," soooooo..." I just looked at him and said "I choose the... bedroom if chu don't mind..." he said ," OFFCOURSE NAT."
Yaaaayyyy Jayy chose to sleep in my bed ^•^ so as we were getting ready we just sat in my bed and watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
still dahvies p.o.v
As we were in the middle of the movie, jayy was cuddling into my side he just looked up at me and said ," You don't mind do you?" I just replied ," No not at all" so we just say there cuddling and having a good time .
As I was watching the end of the movie I looked down to see Jayy asleep on my side with his arms wrapped around me as I was drifting to sleep I kissed Jayy's forehead and said ," Goodnight Jayybear." I saw a smile on Jayy's face. Then, I fell asleep.

Taking in a stray JahvieWhere stories live. Discover now