Dramatic Vacation: Part 3

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"Sheesh, I think my feet are going to fall off." Kiran groaned, slogging over to their quarters. "First the debate with those siblings, then training, eight summoning sessions, Tap Battle, and then dinner. I'm beat!" They opened the door and flopped over on their bed. Feh preening her wings on her perch with a few more letters beside her. "Thank goodness it's nighttime, and all the heroes are asleep. I don't want to talk to anyone-"

"Summoner!" Lethe called, skidding over to their open door in beast form. Kiran glanced up to see the ginger cat straightening herself. Oh it's you. "What do you need, Lethe?"

The cat waved her tail. "Just wanted to check on you, that's all." The summoner nodded, and then thought of something pretty cheeky. "Hey I'm going to the World of Awakening next week with a few other heroes, and since I can't take the raven king, do you want to come with? I already asked Roy, but he doesn't want to take a trip with me after our disastrous New Year's journey." They asked, rubbing their forehead. "You could take Ranulf and train, if you want." They added.

Lethe waved her tail and thought about it. "Huh, I'm not one for beroc vacations, but you're gonna need a bodyguard." She replied, licking her paws. "Ranulf will probably have a better time than I will, though." Kiran nodded, and looked up. "Cool, cool. See you tomorrow Lethe." The cat waved, and trotted off over to a blue-furred cat, which was Ranulf.

Kiran closed their door, and crawled over to Feh's perch, picking up the letters. "More notes from the field, and one letter from" They squinted at the top of the letter. "Oh dragons, it's from HIM."

They ripped open the letter and began to scan it rapidly. "Dear Summoner, I hope you're feeling better. The commander got the news of your sickness and is incredibly worried. However, Embla attacked us yesterday, and she wasn't able to return. We are delayed here for the next three weeks and I'm a little angry. Please stay safe my dear" Kiran squeaked excitedly, but then noticed more writing. "Because I'd hate to lose anything too important and tangible from your death. You know what I mean.. Naesala."

The Summoner stared at the letter and then threw it across the room, scaring Feh slightly. "Lethe was right! He is just scamming me!" They muttered, burying their head into their pillow. "Screw that stupid raven. And now I can't even relax on my vacation, because I have to fix a whole sibling relationship and listen to Lethe for FOUR WHOLE DAYS!"

Feh chirped and fluttered over to Kiran, nuzzling their face. The summoner sighed, and patted the owl on the head. "You're a good bird, Feh." They muttered. "Do you think I should write a letter back to Naesala? Since he's clearly here for the profit, I should probably get everything out on the table before we leave. The Commander already knows we're leaving, so I wouldn't write one to her." Feh hooted in response, and Kiran sighed, and walked over to their desk, pulling out some stationary.

"To you, raven king" They started, scribbling with their quill. After a few minutes, Kiran placed the letter in an envelope, and handed it to Feh, who soared out of the room. "I should probably get to packing." The summoner sighed, staring at their travel bag.

Instead they immediately fell asleep on their bed, hood and all.


A couple of hours later, Feh swooped down and landed on the windowsill of the huge seaside fortress. She tapped on the door with her talon, and Anna let her in. "Got some mail, Feh? Who's it for?" The girl asked, picking up Kiran's letter as Feh dived back out the window. "Oh hey it's, for the raven king. From the summoner Shocker there. Guess they haven't lefr for their vacation yet."

She glanced up to the rafters, where the raven was chatting with the ornery heron prince Reyson. "Naesala, you have mail!" The man looked over at her, and swooped down, Reyson right behind him. "Who's it from?" Reyson asked, staring over Naesala's shoulder.

"The summoner. They're probably just thanking me." The raven king replied in a slightly haughty tone. However, he started reading and his expression soon changed into one of slight horror.

"Is it bad?" Anna asked, concerned. Naesala didn't respond, he just handed the letter to her, and the commander began to read it. "To you, raven king. I've decided to stop your payments from the Order of Heroes after coming to two conclusions. One, our organization cannot afford to sustain payments for every hero and two, You are a heartless dolt and Tibarn and Lethe were right to not trust you. Your last comments severely hurt my feelings after I had a stressful day, and frankly that was realistically not needed. Thanks for comparing me to useless money, and please stop leading me on. Kiran."

Reyson whistled. "Wow. What in the name of Ashunera did you say to the Summoner?" He asked, scanning the letter for himself. Naesala shrugged, looking stressed. "I have absolutely no idea! I never compared them to money!" He said frantically.

"Do you have a copy of your last letter? I'd like to judge that for myself." Anna asked, crossing her arms. The raven rolled his eyes, grumbled, and flew off, returning with a copy of his last letter. Reyson snatched the paper from him and scanned it. "Sheesh, Naesala, that last line was rude even for you. Tubarn would probably beat the feathers out of you if he saw this." The heron said, handing the letter over to Anna, who scanned it herself.

"Reyson's right. Comparing the Summoner's death to losing money is incredibly harsh." She muttered, throwing the paper at Naesala's face. "WHat is wrong with you two?" He snapped, ripping the letter to shreds I wasn't talking about money, I was talking about the summoner! They're important to me!"

Reyson sighed and clapped him on the back. "You didn't make that clear, you nitwit," He said simply. "Go write that poor sucker another letter before they decide to ban you back to Kilvas."

*Hello my wonderful readers. I've decided to start adding little notes at the end of my chapters, as I believe it would help me connect with you wonderful fellows.

Anyway, I sincerely hope you're enjoying these fun little one shots. They're an absolute blast to write, and I love the different plot points Fire Emblem Heroes can offer.

Speaking of Heroes, my favorite hero that I've summoned recently is Lif: Lethal Swordsman. Book 3 was pretty great, Lif, Eir and Thrasir were amazing characters and it's probably my favorite of the FEH stories, although Book 4 is getting pretty fun as well.

That's all for me. Have a wonderful day readers and see you at the next chapter! This is Platinum, your friendly neighborhood fanfiction writer and artist, signing off!*

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