I have loved you for the longest time part 1

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I did not know what to title this, so I hope it works XD.

This is a request by @Mini_Peppermint

Hope you enjoy it!

Also, y'all may be getting 4 chapters today because I'm doing sort of a collab with @pandas-and-peaches and @liablueheart ! So be prepared :)

1st person POV.

I sit in my bed, afraid of what may happen.

I take a deep breath and open the laptop, going to the emails I have received.

I see one from the school that I'm applying to be an exchange student at.

I panic and take another deep breath to calm myself down.

I really want to go to this school for the semester, it's also good for the rest of my college career and good experience.

I hesitantly open the email and read it.

I got in.


I scream, scaring Hiro and Maisie, my husky and my Pomeranian.

(I've decided to include the dogs if they're able to appear XD)

"Sorry." I say, Maisie whimpers while Hiro just barks, used to your usual outbursts.

I pick up the little Pomeranian pup and place her in my lap, she flops down and falls asleep.

I giggle and cover my face with my hands.


I take my phone out of the hoodie pocket and clicked on his contact, pressed call and the phone began ringing.

He picks it up.

"Hello?" He says in a tired and slurred way.

"Hey! Uh, are you ok?" I say, something sounds wrong.

"Never better. I'm doing great, R/g/n and I just broke up, so yeah I'm feeling fine." He says with his words slurred.

Ah crap.

He's drunk.

"Ok, I'm coming over with soup and water. Stay home." I order

"Whatever mom." He mocks

I shake my head and laugh softly.

I put the pup down on her small bed to keep sleeping and Hiro curls up next to her, licking her head softly.

Hiro knew the little thing was a puppy, so he was gentle and acted like a big brother.

I smiled at him and pet his head before grabbing my backpack and leaving.

I drive to the store to get some soup, Advil, and water.

I finally arrived at his home and with no hesitation, whip out the key and unlock his door.

I'm not surprised to see him sitting there crying over his breakup with R/g/n.

They were together for about 1 and a half years.

I wonder what happened.

I place the bags in the kitchen and sit next to him.

"Hey, you ok?" I ask

"Does it look like I'm ok?" C/n asks

I purse my lips and slowly shake my head.

"She left me, for some rich douchebag." He sniffles

I pat his back and hold him close.

"I have no one now." He whimpers

I furrow my eyebrows at this statement, no one? He has his family, friends... me...

"You're not alone. You have family, friends... me." I say

"No one loves me." He slurs

I do....

"There's someone out there who loves you... closer than you might think actually...." I say softly.

He continues mumbling nonsense about no one loving him and no one wanting to be with him.

"Wait... you love me?" He says

My eyes widen and I slowly nod.

"Wow, my best friend of years loves me." He mocks.

I frown.

"So, how long huh? How long have you been 'in love' with me?" He says with air quotes around "in love"

"I've loved you since we were 18...." I say

"That's kinda dumb, we wouldn't be in this situation if you just grew some balls and asked me out. Are you're feelings real or are you just lonely?" He laughs

He's drunk.... he doesn't mean any of this...

But they do say a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts...

"What, cat got your tongue L/n?" He chuckles

"You don't think I love you?" I ask

"She loves me." He laughs

He continues making drunk fun of my confession and honestly.... it hurt.

"I left you Advil, soup, and water in the kitchen.... I'm gonna go. Bye." I say quietly.

"Bye lovebird." He says

I grab my bag and leave without telling him about my acceptance to be an exchange student for a whole semester.

He was too busy making fun of my love for him for me to tell him.

And with that, I left.

Be ready for part 2.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count: 796
Written: 6/15/20
Published: 6/15/20

Crush x Reader Imagines ❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن